part four- songwriting

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After getting dressed I head out into the living room. Scott's on the couch looking at him phone. I sneak up behind him, putting my arms around his neck.

"hey cutiieeee" I say part sarcastically

Hes such flirt. The way he rubs on me, the way he speaks, and the way he looks at me with his pretty eyes. I wanna do bad things to him. I turn around, looking at him. I raise my hand to brush a piece of hair out of his eye.

"I'm gonna come sit by you" the small brunette speaks gracefully.

I soon feel mitch sink into the couch next to me. He pulls out his phone and opens his gallery. Moving his phone for me to see, he shows me a picture. Mitch smiles.

"its us from highschool, when we did that preformace?" the Brunnete continues "I still remeber that song so well-

I interrupt him and begin to sing the song quietly. The smaller boy looks up and joins in with his part. His lovley, high voice and my slightly deeper, raspy voice mix so well together. Hearing his voice with mine brings me back.

Scott's voice makes me weak. The way he riffs and runs so effortlessly takes my breath away. Its something i wish i could do as well as him. Our voices mix so well together. Ive always felt that we're meant to sing with eachother. I get stare into his handsome blue eyes as we get lost in the moment. Finally after the song is over scort clears his throat.

"ive been working on a ton of projects... with music amd stuff, but i really want to record something with YOU"

"that sounds incredibele" I respond.

The blonde continues to speak

"I'd love to write some music with you too, maybe we'll figure a date to meet up or... or something, I dont know, only if that sounds good to you...:"

"no of course, that sounds wonderful to me,,, what days are you off of work?"

"my schedule is sorta fucked up right now, but I have your number and I can always text you."

"right, you're right" I respond.

I can sense scott starting to get uncomfortable. Silence is uncommon for us. Its gonna take some time getting used to eachother the way we were before though. I could stay here just being around him for hours, but I have a feeling I should go home. I already know what time it is, but i check my phone clock anyways, For thr effect.

"errr, I better get going, I have some, uhh" I dont finish my sentence.

"you're right" the blonde interrupts me.

He continues, "I'll go grab your clothes from the dryer so you can change"


After mitch got dressed I took him to my car. We looked up his adress in google maps to figure out how to get there. Mitch lives in a cute little urban appartment house. Once I stop in front of his house he begins to unbuckle his seatbelt.

The small brunette looks up at me.
"I wanna see you again"

"of course mitchie" I look back at him.

"promise?" mitch looks at me with hopeful eyes.


"okay" he says softly before stepping out of the car. "I had a good time with you" he says before shutting the door.

I sit down at my desk as soon as I get home. Scott said he wanted to write music with me, and I've had lyrics floating around my head all day.

"I can't believe is till get like this. My body on fire breathless. I only wanna be alone with you."

I can't stop thinking about last night. It's been one of the most amazing nights with anyone I've ever had. The way my body felt keeps replaying in my mind

"its alright I'm coming for you baby, so hold tight and let me break on you like a wave, and dont you pretend like you can't feel it"


The whole ride home I cant keep mitch off my mind. He just has that effect on me. It's so crazy because I never thought we would be future friends. That we would ever meet again. I hope I see him again because that moment wasn't enough, I need more. I felt like we had a connection between us, theres some deep passion I feel when I'm around him. Mitch has his own version of love, i know, but i can tell hes haply with me. And that's i a need to go foward.

I suddenly slam on my breaks as a car runs in front of me. I realise I just ran a red light while I was deep i thought.


Minutes later I get home, i take off my jacket and set my keys on the table. I attempt to watch some TV, but I have mitch in the back of my mind. Finally I decide to go into my bedroom and play around on my piano. I press down some keys that sound well together.

We could be future friends.

I begin to sing quietly some thoughts that have been floating around my head.

Can't think about it too much. Is just this moment enough? You've got your version of love. This is know.

I soon take my phone out of my pocket and begin to type in the lyrics that I've just produced.

And if it all ends, I promise that one day. We could be future friends

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