Annoying Family Part 2

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I don't know how but parents manage to do this: SITUATION  #3

Me: Mom, how much does a car cost? 

Mom: About 22,000 dollars.

Me: Oh.

Mom: Something you can't afford cause all you do is play games. How about you study more?

Me: Ok....

Every time when I ask my parents something they somehow manage to turn it into some type of lecture. Like can I ask a decent question for once where I'm not lectured. And my solution to this day is not asking my mom or dad anything. I ask my older sister. But it kinda goes like this:

Situation #4 

Me: Do you know why blah blah blah blah? (Sorry couldn't think of a question at this moment)

My sister: I don't know


Me: Do you know why blah blah blah blah? (Sorry couldn't think of a question at this moment) 

My sister: You have a computer. Search it up. 

Like urghghhhh I'm too lazy.

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