Tip 10: Don't Win the Dork's Family Over...At Least, Not Yet

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Tip 10: Don't Win the Dork's Family Over...At Least, Not Yet

Before you read, if any of you guys have any questions about what I wrote in the last chapter, don't hesitate to send me a message. I would be happy to answer any questions you have.

Secondly, my friends and I have started a campaign, called Christiani-teen. Please be sure to check it out!

"Urgh!" I groaned, as I dropped my satchel on the living room sofa. I had just come back from another study session with Brett. Isabella had been there, but this time, Mrs Brown had taken care of her whilst we studied.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled, as I passed by the kitchen.

"Kayla, won't you come in and let me ask how your day went, at least?" called my mom.

"No thanks, I'm good," I replied as I climbed the stairs. I was done with my assignments; all I felt like doing was collapsing onto my bed, and sleeping till the next morning.

"But I have a guest here I'm sure you want to see!"

Unless that guest was Mr Smart saying that he'd taken back his decision to have me tutor Brett, I was not interested.

"Haven't you missed your brother?" questioned a deeper voice I hadn't heard in what seemed like forever.

"Taylor?" I retraced my steps and burst into the kitchen, almost pushing my mother aside in my hurry to get to my brother. "Oh my gosh, Taylor, I missed you so much!" I cried, as I buried my head into his oversized tee-shirt.

"Don't call me Taylor," he groaned as he ruffled my hair. "Taylor is a girl's name."

Taylor and I had had this argument since he was about fifteen. He had said we should stop calling him Taylor one day, after one of his classmates had made fun of his name, saying that he had the same name as Taylor Swift, a female singer. I argued that he had the same name as Taylor Lautner, a male actor. He didn't seem to see reason. Either way, he insisted we call him by his middle name, Gregory-or Greg for short. I always called him Taylor when I wanted to irk him, which was all the time.

"I missed you so much!" I squealed, hugging him again.

"Well, I didn't miss you at all," he chuckled, as he tried to free himself from my death grip. "Moments like this make me wish I was back in Ghana."

Taylor had just graduated, and together with some friends of his had formed a charity to sponsor the education of needy but brilliant children in Africa. They had started from a relatively small country, Ghana, in the Western part of Africa. The way Taylor talked about the place whenever he called, I was afraid sometimes that he would never come back.

"How was Ghana?" I asked as I released him.

"Amazing!" he smiled, and his eyes shone. "It's just a...spectacular country! Their culture is so rich, different dances, foods-different regions have different languages. I actually brought you all some presents."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I did. I'll give the out when Dad and Mikayla get back." ¨

"I'm just so glad you're here!" I squealed again, hugging him tighter. "Val's going to be so happy, and Oliver too...wait, why didn't you let us know you were coming?"

"I didn't want to worry you. You know our mother; she would have set up a six course meal," he laughed.

"True," I mused.

"Where is Mini-Kayla anyway?" asked Taylor.

"She has guitar lessons," I explained. Before anyone could say anything else though, the doorbell rang.

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