Tip 14: Don't Serenade the Dork...Again

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Tip 14: Don't Serenade the Dork...Again

"What happened?" asked Val for what seemed to be the hundredth time. We were on our way to class, a week after Brett had confessed to lying to me about his grades. Even after saying he could explain, he hadn't told me anything. No matter how hard I'd pressed him about it, he hadn't confessed.

"You can explain, huh? Please do."

"I...I cant."

"Can you or can you not explain why you lied to me about needing a tutor? Or are you so tangled up in your web of lies that you cant even figure out what the truth is?"

"It was one white lie Kayla, there's no need to be so dramatic."

"Brett. You stole my diary, blackmailed me into tutoring you and now I find out you lied about needing my help? I'm sorry that I'm so dramatic. It seems like our entire friendship is built on lies and deceit. Why cant you just tell me the truth?"

"Kayla, I want to, I swear but—"

"There's no but to this, Brett. I've had just about it with you and your lies. If you're not going to explain, I really don't think there's anything left to say. Bye. I'm sorry about your nose, by the way."

I turned to leave.

"Kayla, please—"


"I really don't want to talk about it Val."

"Last I checked, you were upset because you and him weren't talking, and you wanted to apologise. Next thing I hear you've bloodied his face, and now you're pissed at him. Something isn't adding up here."

"Val, please just drop it."

"I cant just—"

I turned in frustration. "Val, everything I thought I knew about Brett was a lie. Can we just leave it at that?"

"So now you're not talking to him."


"Wasn't a question. Kayla, do you remember Ephesians 4:26?"

"I am not in the mood to be preached at, Val."

"It's not about how you feel, Kay. It's about what the Word says you should do. It says, 'Do not let the sun go down on your anger', but we can both testify that it has gone down more than seven times since you last spoke to Brett. I love you Kayla, and I cant let you let the enemy win this. Swallow your pride, Kayla—"

"Shut up, Val! I don't want to hear it! You are not a pastor, and you're not perfect, so just can it, and leave me alone!"

The hurt on Val's face was like nothing I had ever seen before. She blinked twice, and then muttered something that sounded like "Okay" then started walking faster to class.

I wanted to call her back. I did. I wanted to apologise, to tell her that I was sorry, that I didn't mean what I said, but as I opened my mouth, the words simply refused to fall out. I watched her walk away.


AP Chemistry was not as much fun without Val by my side, whispering about Mr Silverstein's deplorable sense of fashion. She had taken a seat by the window, and before I could take the one next to her, Noah, the band leader from our church took a seat by her.

I'd turned, and found a seat at the back, where I was currently seated, whilst Mr Silverstein droned on about one thing or another. Chemistry was the one subject I was not a fan of.

Sometime near the end of the class, the faint sound of what seemed to be a mariachi band could be heard. We all ignored it, but it got louder and louder until Mr Silverstein turned from the board to try and figure out where the sound was coming from. As he placed his hand on the door, it was opened from outside, and about ten people bearing all instruments walked in.

One of them was Brett. Playing a guitar.

"Mr Hollister, what is the meaning of this?" asked Mr Silverstein, shouting to make himself made over the ruckus. Brett ignored him, still strumming his guitar, and made a beeline straight for my seat. The band stopped playing, and all was silent.

"Kayla Anne Rachel Marie Adams, you told me that you believed that our entire friendship was premised on a lie. Yes, I lied to you, but I had a good reason. Kayla, all I wanted to do was get to know you more. You're snappy, and feisty, and annoying sometimes, and so prim and proper, and—"

"Is this going somewhere?" I asked.

"Let me finish! You're all those things, but you can also be really sweet. You're smart, and funny, and sarcastic which isn't always a bad thing, and I have loved every single moment spent with you."

I think every single girl in class went 'awwww' at that point. I was finding it hard not to blush myself. It was hard to stay angry at someone when they said something so sweet.

"In honour of that, I meant to write you a song, but that didnt work out. So I borrowed Nick Jonas song, Introducing Me from Camp Rock and modified the lyrics a little. He started strumming and singing. More than half of the girls in the class were swooning, my best friend included.

The lyrics didn't change much, but hey, it was the thought that counted. When he'd finished, he smiled nervously, and ran a hand through his hair.

"Friends again?" he asked, stretching out a hand.

"Acquaintances," I said, grudgingly, referring to the conversation we'd had when he first met my brother. "We were never friends."

Brett smirked as he, too, remembered. "I can work with that. From acquaintance to friend, and then I will be upgraded all the way to boyfr-"

"Don't push it Hollister," I laughed, as I got up and hugged up, a bit awkwardly, since he still held the guitar. Everyone awwed again. Even Mr Silverstein.

"This made for a very interesting class. Thank you Mr Hollister," said Mr Silverstein. Were those....tears he was wiping away? "I find this very sweet. However, I must ask that you leave now, and take your...entourage with you."

"Yes, sir," said Brett, saluting Mr Silverstein.

"I have one question though," I whispered to Brett, before he left. "Why bring a mariachi band if youre not even going to use them? "

"Oh, them? I just wanted to be dramatic," he smirked.

I shook my head. This boy would never change.

Yes, I know, it has been longer than forever! I am so so sorry! I've been working on several other projects, one of them being education. Thank you all for being so patient with me. This is just a filler chapter, hopefully, by God's grace, the next one will be up after I'm done with my exams next two weeks. Please stay safe, sanitise, and trust in the Lord to see us through this trying period.

If you need anyone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or have questions about God, my dms are open for you to talk. I may not reply too early, but I am willing to talk to anyone who has questions, or needs someone to talk to.

Love you all!

BTW High School Musical or Camp Rock?

"But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you."--Psalm 56:3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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