Take me back to the start

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The biggest mistake I have made in my life is letting people stay in my life far longer than they deserve.

The mind replays what the heart can't delete.

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.

That's life. If you want to swim, you must accept the risk of drowning.

There are people who take the heart out of you and there are people who put it back 

The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.

The less we talk, the more our words mean.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

There comes a time that the people we love the most are the one's we're best without. 

Things like art and poetry aren't supposed to be beautiful. They're supposed to make you feel something.

The longer it lasts, the sweeter it gets that more pain it gives when it ends.

The hardest goodbyes are the ones that are said and meant and regretted.

The waves are not here to drown you. Just to teach you how to swim. 

There are storms that change the skyline, that leave patches of blue where branches had once spread their brittle fingers. And in the aftermath, an eerie calm settles over the forest, as shell shocked birds sing warily in the sunlight. The nervous flutter of their injured wings, barely audible above the hammering of a hummingbird's heart.

You once told me the wind is silent. How his sound can only be heard through collision. Last night, he cried with a violent yearning while he tore through the trees. As he brought down their twisted branches, I thought of the first time you said my name.

You were the storm that changed the skyline. After the damage and the deluge, I sould see things so much clearer. There hasn't been another like you since.

In 1953, we began naming hurricanes so we could remember them beyond the wreckage. So we could try to make sense of the destruction. This is the way I remember you.

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