Wait for you

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We always cry over people who left but can't we just be happy for those who stayed?

We are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it.

We're all travelers. Some of places, some of hearts and some of memories.

We are all born beautiful. The greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not.

We are all shaped by some incredible sadness by a part of our past that still hurts.

We have two lives; the one we learn with and the life we live after that.

We never really move on, we just accept the fact that they have.

We were meant to happen but not to last. 

We are made of those we love and those we have lost.

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.

We aren't being true to ourselves when we tolerate less than we deserve.

We fear being alone as if it's not beautiful to return to the same state we were born in.

What if the answer has always been yes but we were too afraid to ask.

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