Fifth King Lost Queen
By Pinion King
Disclaimer: The words of Harry Potter and Narnia do not belong to me and I am only using them for your entertainment.
Chapter 5
Susan was enjoying her night; she was wrapped in Harry's arms giving her the feeling of being safe and secure. After the song finished, she was too content to move, so she didn't. As the next song started something told her to pay attention to the lyrics. As she listened images flashed through her mind, emotions flooded through her. It was like a dam had collapsed. She felt a headache coming on and decided that she couldn't deal with it here. When the song was finished she looked up to Harry. Harry looked down at her and she got lost in his eyes for a few seconds.
"I want to go home." She noted that her voice sounded different, it had a formal tone to it.
She let Harry lead her out off the dance floor and out of the building, then walked with him home, as it wasn't too far. When they arrived back at her place she unlocked the door and let themselves in. she got half way down the entrance hall before something in her mind snapped making her stop. This wasn't her home; her home was Cair Paravel, the castle of the four thrones. Then it hit her, she had abandoned them, she had stopped believing. In an effort to grow up and be like her friends she had forgotten who she truly was, Queen Susan the Gentle, Queen of Narnia. Peter, Edmund, Lucy, they believed it until their dying day. She had led herself to believe that they were mad and were hooked up on the games that they use to play as children. She heard the door click closed, she turned to Harry.
"I want to go home."
Harry's internals were doing loop d' loops, but he still decided to continue the play the role of not having a clue.
"But you are home? This is your house."
Susan turned and threw herself into his arms, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Narnia, Cair Paravel. That is my true home."
Harry didn't say anything just led the sobbing girl into the lounge room and sat on the couch drawing her into his lap.
"Remember when I told you about how during the war, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and myself were sent into the country to live with the professor?"
Harry nodded.
"I told you that Lucy found that magical world, with Fauns in the wardrobe?"
Harry nodded again.
"I was lying, it wasn't fake or just her imagination, it was real."
Susan began to tell Harry all about her first time in Narnia. From the White Witch to when they were chasing the Stag and returned to the world that she and Harry currently sat in.
"Turns out the Professor had been to Narnia before. He was there when Aslan created it. The professor built the wardrobe from the magical apple tree after it fell down."
Susan seemed much happier from talking about her in Narnia. She then went on to tell him about her second time in the magical land. From the DLF (Dear Little Friend), to the battle at Aslan's Howe, and then Prince Caspian. From the way she described him Harry could tell that her feelings for the young Prince had returned with the memories.
"You believe me don't you?"
Harry reached up with his hand and pushed a strand of hair from her face to behind her ear. He looked straight into her eyes."
Susan smiled up at home and buried her head into his chest.
"I want to go home Harry, but I betrayed them, I forgot about them, and I refused to believe. How will they know that I want to go back? That I believe again?"

Fifth King,Lost Queen
FanfictionNot mine I just wanted to read it on the go maker:Pinion King