Fifth King Lost Queen
By Pinion King
Disclaimer: The worlds of Harry Potter and Narnia do not belong to me and I am only using them for your entertainment.
Chapter 12
For the next week Harry and Susan were inseparable, while they weren't officially courting yet, there was barely a moment where they were not seen together. Most of their time was spent learning to fight. Peter and Edmund were silently getting the Narnian army ready; countless battle plans were being drawn up. Lucy was preparing all their healers. Tirian, Eustance and Jill had returned from their trip across the sea. Riders had been sent out to Professor Kirk and Polly. Susan had been teaching Harry how to handle a bow and arrow, something that he was really enjoying. Harry in return had been teaching Susan how to fight with a sword, as well as getting pointers from Peter and Edmund in the sparing sessions that they often had, and Caspian was currently riding to find more soldiers for the army. It was only on a need to know basis that anyone knew about the up coming battle. Over the week Harry had never stopped thinking about what Aslan had said. His mind was already made up; he was just waiting for the lion to show up again. There was also something that had been bothering him. He rolled to face Susan, the two of them were lying on top of Harry's bed talking, both exhausted from the days work.
"Why is it that it is only really you and your siblings that make decisions on things? I mean, you listen to others, but most meetings about the running or Narnia are only between the four of you."
"It's a bit of a pecking order really. Aslan is the ultimate, and what he says, we do. Peter is next as High King, then my self as High Queen, then Edmund and Lucy, and then everyone else. Eustance, Jill, Polly and the Professor aren't royalty. When we were rulers it's the way we ran things."
"What about Caspian, you don't seem to include him in much at all. He is a King."
"It's a trust issue. Peter has never liked or trusted Caspian. I may have had a physical crush on him, but when he didn't follow a plan and cost many Narnian soldiers their lives he lost my trust. He tried to make it up but I never forgave him. Edmund and Lucy have spent more time with him so trust him a little more then Peter or me. In the end, he is just a King, Narnia has had hundreds of Kings, Caspian is just one of them. Just because we met him and were there for his coronation doesn't make him any different. To be honest I don't even know why he is here. From what Peter told me, when they arrived back here and Aslan created the new Narnia Caspian wasn't there. He only showed up a few weeks before you arrived. He has also seemed a little different, especially since I got back."
Harry instantly became suspicious, coincidence or something bad. He couldn't quite decide. Showing up just before Harry arrived, they felt something was off about him, bad. On the other hand his enemy Miraz was here, coincidence. Harry decided to put that aside and worry about it later. He had more important things to worry about, like this beautiful girl he was lying next to. He drifted away into his thoughts for a few minutes. When he returned to the real world, Susan had closed her eyes and was asleep. Harry gave a small smile; he slipped off the bed and retrieved his wand from the table next to the bed. With a swish and flick Susan was levitated into the air. Harry slowly guided her out of the room and down the corridor to her room. He brought her to a stop when she was hovering over her bed. He quickly removed her shoes and light training armour before pulling back the bed covers, he lowered her into the bed. He pulled the covers back up and over her, before he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He left the room and softly closed the door. Before returning to his room and repeating the process on himself.

Fifth King,Lost Queen
Fiksi PenggemarNot mine I just wanted to read it on the go maker:Pinion King