Fifth King Lost Queen
By Pinion King
Disclaimer: The worlds of Harry Potter and Narnia do not belong to me and I am only using them for your entertainment.
Chapter 11
Harry sat in the shadows of a tree in one of the gardens that surrounded Cair Paravel. It was a nice tree, unlike any tree he had seen before, and very different to every other tree in the garden. The trunk was a light brown, the bark felt smooth and soft to touch not rough like most trees. The trunk was short, before it led into a wonderful array of green leaves, with the odd red or brown one scattered in between the green. There were so many shades of green he didn't think there were names for all the shades. The canopy of the tree was also quite dense and full giving him plenty of shade from the warm sun. It was a perfect place to think.
"EXPELLIARMUS!" Harry called out brining his wand down in a flash. Red light erupted from his wand and flew towards Voldemort.
"AVADA KEDAVRA" The deadly green light of the killing curse flew from Voldemort's wand.
The two spells slammed into each other and connected the brother wands together. The familiar gold line connected the wands, and the golden web surrounded the two mortal enemies. It didn't last for long as Voldemort pulled his wand up with a grunt of effort and broke the connection. Harry stumbled from the force of the connection being broken and tripped over a piece of debris. Crashing into the ground his head hit the floor, hard, bringing stars to his eyes, his wand dropped from his hand and rolled away and out of reach. The sword ofGryffindor a few meters to his right was also out of reach. With nothing to defend himself he rolled over to look up at Voldemort.
"Harry Potter" Voldemort came walking towards him "do you think I would fall for that again? No, this time Harry Potter, you will die. Once you are dead no one will stand in my way and I will be immortal. It's a pity; you have so much power, but you are untrained, and don't know how to use it. If only you had taken up one of my many offers to join me I could have trained you to use that power. Now it is useless."
Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it at Harry.
Death in the form of a green light flew towards Harry. He quickly rolled to his right, picking up the sword on his way though.
"AVADA KEDAVRA" Voldemort tried again.
This time Harry put the sword in the path of the curse, he had no idea if it was going to work but he had no other options. The curse rebounded off of the sword and slammed into the roof, small bits of stone, wood and dust fell around them. Voldemort raised his wand to try again, so focused on Harry he never saw it coming. A piece of wooden beam fell from the roof and slammed into his head knocking him out cold. Harry rolled painfully to his feet and stared with wide eyes at the sight. He couldn't help but laugh, the greatest Dark Lord in history had been taken out by a piece of wooden debris caused by his own curse. The power he knew not was luck and a wooden beam. Harry picked up his wand and the sword. He raised the sword high above his head and brought it down hard into the heart of the Dark Lord. For good measure he swung again, this time removing the head from the body. Gathering the last of his strength he cast the strongest fire charm he had ever cast, and watched with glee as the body of the Dark Lord was turned to ash.
Harry opened his eyes removing himself from his memories. Going in with no plan and having a plank of wood hit Voldemort on the head wasn't going to work a second time. For once he agreed with him, he had the power, but didn't know how to use it. There was nothing that he knew of in Narnia that could help him learn to control the power. There was also something about Narnia, he didn't know what but when ever he cast a spell it felt like there was something trying to stop him. It was only a tiny feeling, but it was there.

Fifth King,Lost Queen
FanfictionNot mine I just wanted to read it on the go maker:Pinion King