Fifth King Lost Queen
By Pinion King
Disclaimer: The worlds of Harry Potter and Narnia do not belong to me and I am only using them for your entertainment.
Chapter 10
It was just after noon when the wizard and gentle Queen arrived back at Cair Paravel. They walked into the throne room laughing at a story Susan had told of one of her adventures in Narnia. They were interrupted when Peter came running into the room.
"There the two of you are!"
"Hello to you too" Susan snapped, clearly not enjoying her fun being destroyed and turned into something important.
Peter brushed her comment off. "We caught someone trying to get into the castle. He was making lights flash from his stick thingy."
"Where is he?" Harry didn't bother to correct the reference to the spells and wand.
"The dungeons follow me."
Harry gave a sad smile to Susan before he followed the High King. He heard footsteps behind him, and Susan appeared at his side, clearly going to go with him. Peter led them through the corridors and down the stone steps into the cold dungeons. When they reached the bottom Harry recognised the Death Eater locked in the cell instantly. There looked to still be an arrow sticking out of his right shoulder, a light trickle of blood rolling down his arm from beneath the bloody robes.
"Lucius Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again." Harry's voice was dripping with sarcasm. Harry had enjoyed killing this Death Eater the first time. Still mourning from the death of Casey he had captured and tortured the Death Eater for days with normal muggle torture devices.
"Potter!" was the snarled reply, although there was a slight shakiness to it. Apparently he remembered.
Harry looked, Peter and Susan, and gave them a quick wink, before he grinned at the Death Eater. "It's actually King Harry, the sorcerer; allow me to introduce my friends. High King Peter the magnificent" He motioned to Peter "Queen Susan the gentle." He motioned to Susan.
Malfoy said nothing, just sneered at Harry and his companions.
"Now, now, it is only polite that you bow and greet your King and Queen." Harry's wand appeared in his hand as he spoke, expecting what was going to happen next.
"Never" Malfoy said with defiance, as he spat at Harry. His aim was partially true as it landed on one of Harry's boots.
"I said BOW!" Harry waved his wand forcing Lucius into a bow, before he waved his wand over his boots to clean them. "Much better, now what brings you to Narnia and Cair Paravel?"
"My Lord will kill you Potter, and all your friends."
Harry turned to Peter. "High King Peter, you're not planning on killing me any time soon are you?"
"Not that I am aware of King Harry." Peter got in on that act.
"See" Harry turned back to Malfoy cheerfully "Your Lord doesn't plan to kill me."
Malfoy said nothing.
"Now I ask you again, what are you doing here?"
Malfoy again said nothing, just continued to sneer. Harry sighed they never made things easy it always had to be done the hard way. He turned to Peter and Susan. He cast a privacy spell over them so that they could speak freely.
"King Harry the sorcerer?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Hey it seemed like a good idea at the time." Harry looked back to Malfoy before he returned his attention to the King and Queen. "You might want to leave; this is going to get ugly. I need to get into his mind so I can read his thoughts and get the information we need, but he has strong defences and the only way for me to break them is I am going to have to torture him a bit to weaken his mind."

Fifth King,Lost Queen
FanfictionNot mine I just wanted to read it on the go maker:Pinion King