Fifth King, Lost Queen
By Pinion King
Disclaimer: The words of Harry Potter and Narnia do not belong to me and I am only using them for your entertainment.
Chapter 2
A flash of purple, a thump, and a groan announced Harry's arrival.
"Why does it always have to hurt?" Harry groaned
"Are you alright?" A soft gentle female voice asked.
Harry looked up a young woman with long brown hair with concerned, but with a touch of despair, eyes were looking down at him.
"Yeah, I'll be fine, just tripped."
"You sure? It looked like a heavy fall."
"Yeah, I've had worse. Harry Potter by the way." Harry decided it would be ok to use is normal name. He wasn't going to go near the wizarding world, and Peter had mentioned they died in 1949, and how young Susan looked, Harry gathered it would be sometime around then, and his parents weren't even born.
"Susan Pevensie. You live around here?"
"No, I am just having a look around. I am thinking about moving, living in the one neighbourhood for so long can be boring."
Harry had learnt a lot of things in the war, and one of them was being a good and convincing liar. Something that was important when he needed to get out of trouble.
"You live around here?"
"Yes, in that house across the street. I was just heading home from work. Could I offer you a drink?"
"If it is no trouble."
"No, none at all."
Harry rolled onto his feet and took in the area, it was defiantly not modern. His earlier guess of being around them time the Pevensies died, was more then likely correct. He then noticed his clothes were different they were not the robes that he had been wearing in Narnia but what looked like traditional fashion. Susan smiled at him and beckoned him to follow her. Harry smiled and followed her as she crossed the street and headed towards her house.
When they arrived at the house Susan pulled a set of keys from her purse and opened the door. The first impression Harry had when he walked in was it was cold, and dusty. As he stepped further in he could see boxes lining the walls. Susan left the room calling over her shoulder to make himself comfortable while she organised some drinks.
Using this chance to take a closer look, he gently opened one of the boxes. There were old clothes and some personal artefacts, a closer look revealed they belonged to her brothers and sister. He spun around to check the room, this was where the Pevensies lived as children. Obviously Susan had inherited the house when her family died.
"Sorry about the mess. Just been doing a little bit of cleaning." Susan said as she walked back into the room.
"You lived here long?"
"No only a few weeks. I inherited it from a relative. It is a little saddening to live here because of the memories but it is easier to live here. The rent in some places is soaring and I just don't have the money to pay it."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."
Susan just shrugged the comment off. Clearly the death of her family was not something that she wanted to talk about. Harry couldn't blame her, he was the same when it came to talking about his parents or extended family that he lost in the war.
"What do you do for a job?" Harry asked as he accepted the drink from Susan.
"Nothing spectacular at the moment. Just a waitress at a local bar. I am studying journalism at college though."
"I am never really one for the media and papers. No offence."
"None taken. So what do you do?"
"I have been doing a lot of travelling recently. I wanted to see the world before I concentrated on more study. I am unsure of what I really want to do." Harry didn't have to lie about what he wanted to do. During the war he never thought of having a future. For the time he was with his love he dared to believe that he would have one, but when she died, a future no longer seemed possible.
The two talked for a few hours before Susan noticed it was late and she had an early class the next morning. Harry said goodbye and promised he would drop around the next night. As the door closed behind him Harry turned and walked back out onto the street. He could feel his magic tugging at him, telling him where to go.
He didn't know where he was going to spend the night. A motel was more then likely the place. He had some muggle money in his trunk which he could feel was still shrunken in his pocket. Deciding to trust his magic he followed the direction it lead him. After a ten minute walk he stopped outside a house that he had never expected to see.
The last time he had seen it, it was just a crater in the ground. He thought back to what lead this house to be destroyed; it was only a few weeks before the end of the war.
Harry had just finished lining the house with explosives. He knew the end of the war was coming and what better way to take out a bunch of Death Eaters then by using muggle explosives. He had told his spy in the Death Eaters to reveal to Voldemort that Harry was currently staying at the house recovering from some injuries from a battle and mourning the loss of the girl he loved.
Voldemort had taken the bait; the opportunity to kill Harry while he was down was just too good to be true. He sent half his inner circle and twenty new recruits to the house to capture Harry. Why he sent such a force Harry would never know. Harry had put a compulsion charm on a vase inside the house. Once all the Death Eaters had been drawn into the house and the vase Harry locked the doors and set off the explosives.
The explosion was huge. The bang could be heard for miles and the ground shook. Harry had put up wards to prevent other houses being damaged by the explosion. To Harry the sight was amazing, nearly forty Death Eaters dead in less then a second. Tom was going to be pissed.
Harry walked away, turned and looked at the house, or crater as it now was, one more time. He smiled and apparated away.
Harry was once again standing outside his childhood home. Number Four Privet Drive.
A/N Nothing much to say other than, here is chapter 2.
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PK aka Dale

Fifth King,Lost Queen
FanfikceNot mine I just wanted to read it on the go maker:Pinion King