Chapter 3

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Fifth King, Lost Queen

By Pinion King

Disclaimer: The words of Harry Potter and Narnia do not belong to me and I am only using them for your entertainment.

Chapter 3

Harry couldn't work out why his magic would have led him here. He hated this place. The place was obviously abandoned, the garden wand lawn had over grown, weeds ran wild, and it was dark. Apparently no one had lived here for a while. Sighing he decided to check out the interior. It was much the same as the outside, dark, dust everywhere, things scattered around the floor, some squatters also had used this place from some of the mess.

He walked through the lounge room, into the dinning room, and onto the kitchen, the kitchen that he once cooked in. There was nothing to see so he headed towards the stairs. He shuddered as he passed the room he had for the first 10 years of his life, the cupboard under the stairs, he climbed the stairs and looked into the room he once lived in, it looked better then it was when he was in it.

He was about to leave when something caught his eye. There was a box, no trunk, which looked simular to the one that he once had at Hogwarts, sitting on the bed. He approached it and nearly fell over in shock. It was his trunk from Hogwarts; it had been destroyed when there was an attack on The Burrow. He approached it slowly with is wand drawn. He scanned it for any ill-intent but his scans returned nothing. He flicked his wand and the trunk opened. What he found, he wasn't expecting to find.

There were some crowns, one of which Harry recognised from the photos of Susan as the one that she wore. There were some fine robes, one set were the ones that Harry had been wearing while he was in Narnia, the other he also recognised from photos of when the Pevensie's were first crowned, they were the robes that Susan had worn. Digging a bit further he found some scrolls. Opening one of them it was a document of some sort, it was signed Queen Susan. There were some other bits and pieces in there, including a wallet full of muggle money and some muggle clothes in his size. Apparently a certain talking Lion had been meddling. He was about to close the lid when he saw something inscribed under the lid of the trunk.

'Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen'

"Hmm, interesting" he mumbled.

He closed the lid of the trunk and waved his wand over it shrinking it to pocket size. Slipping it into his pocket he left the room and continued his search of the house. When his tour was finished he returned to the kitchen, he paused for a moment then waved his wand. The house was now clean, another wave it was freshly painted, and a third wave and new furniture appeared. He then began to wave is wand in a pattern muttering under his breath. The house was now surrounded by wards. One of them being a muggle repelling one, but he had given access to Susan.

"Well, no one else lives here, my magic lead me here, Aslan wanted me here, its time to face my fears and just use it." Harry said to himself.

Harry spent most of the next day exploring and seeing what was different from when he once lived there. He noted that there really wasn't too much of a difference. The houses were older then what he was use to, so these must have been knocked down or renovated to look like they did in the future. At the designated time Harry began to work his way back to Susan's house.

As Harry began to walk towards Susan's house he began to think of how he was going to do this. At the beginning he thought it would be easy just mention it a few times, but now he thought about it, it was going to much more difficult. The items that were in the trunk would help, but he would have to slowly introduce her. He shuddered at the thought; he almost had to manipulate her. He remembered when he found out that he was being manipulated, and that everything was a lie.

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