Chapter One

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Carson Lodge's face scrunched together in disgust as she saw her sister and Archie Andrews swapping saliva

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Carson Lodge's face scrunched together in disgust as she saw her sister and Archie Andrews swapping saliva.

"Alright! We get it! You're hopelessly in love! Some of us aren't so can you tone it down a notch?" Carson asked, the couple separating.

Veronica smirked at her older sister and walked over to the chair where Carson sat, "Oh, sis, you'll find your person. Maybe it's even sooner than you think."

Carson rolled her eyes, "I think I'm going to be single forever."

"Car, You scare everyone," Kevin reminded her.

Carson gasped, "What? What do you mean?"

"Everyone is scared of you, Carson. You're the 'bad girl' of Riverdale High," Betty smiled.

Carson nodded and leaned back in her seat, "Yeah, I guess so." Veronica rubbed her leather covered arm, "It's okay, you're just like daddy."

The PA system then crackled to life, principle Weatherbee's voice booming throughout the room, "Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down. And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district, including this one."

Carson's eyes widened lightly and a smirk pulled at her lips, Juggie was coming back.

"I believe the statement we're releasing -"

"Okay, guys, let's not overreact," Carson said, sitting up.

"- Will address your concerns and theirs. You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions."

"Like, what the hell?" Kevin muttered.

"But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms. Thank you. That is all."

"Wait," Archie frowned, "what does that - what does that mean?"

"It means Jughead's coming back," Carson smiled.

"Betty, are you ready for that?" Kevin asked Betty.

"Of course," she nodded, "We're fine."

"But why is this happening now?" Archie asked with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Who knows," Veronica shrugged, "It's probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand. And in the meantime, let's receive these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood. Who's in?"

Carson stood up and looked at her sister, "Me."

Carson sighed as she threw off her leather jacket onto her bed then walked to her closet and changed into black leggings and took off her shirt, leaving her in her black bra. She changed her bra into a sports bra then shrugged on a jacket over it. She grabbed her phone and arm band and earbuds.

Carson put on her arm band around her arm and plugged in her earbuds into her phone and put her phone into the band. She pressed play on her Big Sean playlist then gave Veronica a nod before walking out of the room and out of the hotel. She made her way to her motorcycle and grabbed her helmet from the small box on it, setting it on her head then driving to the trails.

The trails started in Riverdale and ended in South Side, but Carson didn't mind. She parked her motorcycle then began to run the trail, soon coming to an end. She spotted two serpents walking out of a shop, turning when they heard rustling in the woods.

One had black hair and was incredibly attractive, the other was tan and had a quiff. Her eyes met with the raven haired boy and a small smirk pulled at her lips as she winked then turned around, running the trail back.

When Carson got home, she saw her parents, sister, and Archie eating at the dinner table.

"Do you want me to join?" Carson asked, her voice soft as she looked at her father.

"Cámbiate," Hiram nodded.

Carson nodded then went to her room and changed into a black skirt and black tank top, letting her hair down and walking back to the dinner table. "Esto es bueno?" She asked.

Hiram nodded hen turned to Archie. "Not at all, Archie. There's always room at our table."

"I wanted to say thanks for helping my dad the way you did," Archie thanked Hiram and Hermione.

Carson looked up at Ronnie who winked at her older sister. Carson shook her head and turned to her parents. Fred Andrew's medical bill was $86,000 and Veronica had paid it with Hermione's card.

"We were happy to do it," Hiram nodded. "He would've done the same for us," Hermione added.

"In return, though, I've put together a welcoming committee for tomorrow's arrivals, and I'm hoping you'll stand by my side, Archie," Veronica said, then looked at her sister, "Carson?"

"Of course," Carson smirked, thinking of the raven haired serpent.

"Yeah. . Yeah, sure," Archie replied, "Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, what do you think about Southside High closing down? I mean, it's so close to the SoDale project, isn't that, like, bad for business?"

"Drugs, gangs and violence. That's bad for business, Archie," Hiram said.

"So investors like the St. Clairs are fine with it?" Archie asked.

Carson furrowed her brows, "Archie, um, the St. Clairs aren't investors anymore."


"Not after what Nick did to Cheryl," Veronica said, sharing a look with her sister.

"Yeah, whatever happened to that guy? Did he ever get charged?" Archie asked.

"You know, we've severed all ties with the St. Clairs. I don't think we even called them after the accident," Hermione said, gesturing towards Hiram with her wine glass.

"Accident?" Archie asked.

"Yeah, Nick St. Clair had an accident driving in Vail. Or was it on the slopes? You know, I'm not sure," Hiram said before taking a sip of his wine.

"Is he - Is he okay?" Archie asked.

"So many questions," Carson muttered, tracing the rim of the wine glass with her finger.

"Well, you know, from all reports, he's recovered enough to be back at. . Greenwich Prep?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," Hiram confirmed. "Mmm-hmm. And may we never hear from him again." "Mmm."

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