Chapter Twenty-Three

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Music blasted throughout Carson's household as she cleaned up, for some reason in that sort of mood

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Music blasted throughout Carson's household as she cleaned up, for some reason in that sort of mood. She danced along to the music as she swept, using the broomstick as a dancing partner. The music then stopped and was replaced with an All Time Low song, signaling that she was getting a call.


"Up For a late night adventure?"

"According to my Intel, the tunnel that leads from the main residence comes out here," Kevin informed the three girls in front of him.

"Okay," Carson nodded, "That's our way in, then."

"All right, Kevin, you stay here. If we're not back in 15 minutes, call your dad," Veronica added.

Toni nodded and put down her black duffel bag, taking out a crowbar to open the tunnel up.

The teens stepped down stairs and into a hallway.

"And when we get to the main building, what happens then?" Veronica asked.

"We search each and every damn room until we find her," Toni nodded.

"Let's go," Carson breathed out.

The three girls searched every hallway, every room, not finding a simple mark of Cheryl Blossom.

"Okay, let's split up. We'll cover twice the ground," Toni declared.

"Okay. But be careful. Both of you," Veronica said, Toni and Carson nodding before they ran through the halls together.

They searched ever nook and crane of the building until they came across one room.

"Cheryl!" Carson shouted.

"Cheryl! Cheryl, are you in here?" Toni shouted as they walked into the room where a movie was playing.

"Toni?" Cheryl asked, standing up.

Carson decided to lay back in the doorway, letting the two have their moment.

"We came to rescue you," Toni breathed out.

"You did?" Cheryl asked as Toni nodded and pulled her into a tight hug.

They pulled away and shared a kiss, making Carson internally squeal and clap.

"Cheryl, Toni, Carson, there are a bunch of nuns coming," Veronica said as she walked into the room, "We have to go, come on!"

Carson, Veronica, Toni and Cheryl had gotten out of the tunnel just in time. Toni placed the crowbar where the lock used to be, keeping the nuns from coming out of the building.

"I asked Jughead to thank you for me, but I reconsidered, because I wanted to do it myself," Alice started, Sweet Pea and Fangs glancing over to Betty and Jughead.

Carson sat in front of Sweet Pea and Fangs on the table, a small smile on her lips. Though she wasn't there, she was glad that Sweet Pea would maybe tone it down a bit with his hatred for her.

"So, thank you for what you did. I also wanted you to hear it directly from me that I am done attacking and disavowing the Southside. It's where I'm from, and I should be proud of that. And from now on, I will be. And like my daughter, I will fight tooth and nail for it," Alice finished, sending everyone in the classroom into a cheering frenzy.

Carson looked over at Sweet Pea and he smiled, placing his hand on her thigh and rubbing it up and down.

The other night was the school's musical of Carrie. Everyone had been in the crowd, listening to Alice Cooper sing for her casted daughter. Except, when the stage setting switched, a bloody Midge Klump was on a board with knives and words written with blood all around.

Her death was a tragedy to all of Riverdale. A young, kind, and beautiful spirit gone within an instant. And for Moose, his girlfriend gone. The cheerleading squad, a fellow sister. For Carson, a friend who was there when she needed reassurance. A friend who's life had only began.

Everyone sat around her casket, a tear gliding down Carson's cheek as Cheryl sang. Sweet Pea's hand found Carson's and he gave it a light squeeze, letting her know that he was there. Carson simply stared at the casket and the picture of Midge beside it. Her jaw clenched, who could have done this? Why would they have done it? Thoughts and questions filled Carson's head.

Everyone who held a white rose, walked forward and placed it onto the black casket. The cheerleaders raised their black Pom-poms.

"I also feel it is my duty to say that. . like the Furies of Ancient Greece, who ceaselessly pursue blood atonement when a crime's been committed, the Vixens and I vow that we will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our sister. . is rightly punished," Cheryl declared.

Sweet Pea shut the door to Carson's apartment, throwing his jacket onto the couch. Carson unbuttoned her coat and threw it on the couch as well, going to her kitchen and making hot chocolate. Sweet Pea grabbed Carson's remote to the tv and put it on YouTube, looking through Carson's suggested videos before pressing on Lord Huron's 'the night we met.'

He placed the remote on the table and walked up behind Carson, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Sweet Pea asked.

Carson stirred the powder and milk, "I don't know, babe. My friend is dead and this entire town is fucked up and I cannot wait until the day I can move to a different state. Hell, maybe even country."

Sweet Pea placed a kiss on Carson's neck, "We're gonna be okay."

Carson poured the hot chocolate into two glasses then handed one to Sweet Pea. They walked to the couch after grabbing the remote and they threw a blanket over them, placing their mugs on the coffee table. Carson put on 'The Fosters' on Netflix and placed her head on Sweet Pea's chest.

When Sweet Pea thought she was asleep, he brushed her hair back and softly and whispered, "I love you so much, sweetheart."

And she fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat with a small smile on her lips.

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