Chapter Three

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Carson looked around the hotel room for any sight of her parents or Veronica, seeing nothing

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Carson looked around the hotel room for any sight of her parents or Veronica, seeing nothing. Carson put on the hood of the jacket that was underneath her leather one before walking out of the room and hotel. She got onto her motorcycle and rode out to the Whyte Wyrm, parking her bike then hopping off of it.

Carson nodded at Toni.

"Hey, Jughead," Carson greeted, the sound of her voice causing Sweet Pea to glance over from his game before instantly looking back and continuing to play.

"Hey, Carson," He hugged her before Carson sat beside Toni.

"Back to what I was saying, I can't believe you guys don't even see it. Weatherbee is profiling us. Tellin' us what to wear," Jughead gripped his jacket, "What's next? Brain implants controlling what we think?"

"Jughead, you sound like a crazy conspiracy nut," Toni joked, "A school closed down."

"A crappy school," Sweet Pea added.

"Yeah, and now we're at a better one. The computer lab and text books –"

"And toilets that flush," Sweet Pea added.

"Getting transferred to Riverdale High is the best thing that could have happened," Toni said.

"Maybe ever."

Carson chuckled at Sweet Pea's constant interjecting.

"So, if I have to take off my jacket, 8:30 to 3:00, Monday through Friday. . Hey, I'm down with that," Toni shrugged before taking a sip of her drink.

Jughead shook his head lightly before turning around.

Carson looked at Toni and smiled, "Can I have some?"

Toni nodded and handed her the drink, Carson immediately downing some down. She let out a breath and set the drink down before going over to Sweet Pea.

"Whatcha playing there, Sweet Pea?" Carson asked, placing a hand on the game to support her body.

"Street Fighter 2," Sweet Pea answered, not taking his eyes off the game.

"You're losing," Carson observed.

"Obviously," Sweet Pea said, sighing.

Carson smirked before reaching forward and placing her hands on his, moving the joystick around a couple times and tapping the button repeatedly. The other player's life bar soon going down to red then all the way down, the character dying. Carson took her hands off of Sweet Pea's.

"Back in New York I would always go to this old fashioned arcade with a couple of my friends. Most of them were guys but I never had a thing with any one of them. They taught me how to play so well I won a competition at the arcade," Carson informed the serpent.

He turned in the chair, "A rich city girl a champion at video games? That's a new one."

"Yeah," Carson laughed, "Weird, right? I have a big thing with video games. Underneath this rich girl physic is a hardcore gamer and nerd."

"Nerd, huh?" Sweet Pea asked with a small chuckle.

Carson nodded, "Yup. Everyone thinks I'm this bad girl who doesn't listen, vapes, and has a couple tattoos here and there."

"Are you?" He asked, raising a brow.

"All of those," Jughead answered for her, Carson nodding. "All of them."

"Well then, sweetheart, where's the 'nerd' part?" He asked, standing up.

"I have straight A's, I am in all advanced placement classes, and I wear glasses but if I'm around cute boys then I simply wear contacts," Carson said, blushing lightly.

Toni and Jughead shared a brief look before looking back at Sweet Pea and Carson.

Sweet Pea chuckled, "Well, sweetheart, if you give me your number maybe we can talk more about how much of a nerd you are."

Carson bit her lip and nodded, asking for his phone. Sweet Pea handed her his phone and she quickly put her number into his phone, putting it under 'Sweetheart' since that seemed like her nickname from him.

She handed him his phone back before turning to Jughead, "I should get going. I'll see y'all later." She hugged Jughead then hugged Toni then turned and winked at Sweet Pea before making her way out of the Whyte Wyrm.

As she sat on her bike, she let out a loud squeal.

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