Chapter Eight

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Carson shrugged on her usual leather jacket, a sigh escaping her lips before she smiled

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Carson shrugged on her usual leather jacket, a sigh escaping her lips before she smiled. Sweet Pea and her kissed, and she was internally squealing every time she thought of it. She grabbed her phone and threw her hair out of her jacket before walking out, seeing her parents and sister in the living room; waiting for her.

"Mom, dad," Carson nodded, "Morning, I'm meeting Sweet Pea before school."

Carson went to walk past them, but Hiram called her name.

"What?" Carson hissed.

"We're sorry," Hermione said, standing up as well and walking to her husband's side.

Carson gave them a tight smile, "Good to hear."

"Jaqueline –"

"I have to go, mom. Goodbye."

"Well, he is very fetching for someone who was living on skid row," Veronica mused as she looked at the picture of Betty's brother, Chic, on Betty's phone.

Kevin snatched the phone away from Betty, "Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way."

"Your adventures in the woods?" Jughead asked.

Carson snatched the phone from Kevin, eyebrows raising and a dreamy sigh escaping her lips, "Holy shit. He looks like a blonde Franco brother."

"I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person. ." Kevin trailed off.

"Chic's still acclimating. And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten-year-old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn," Betty informed.

"Well, I have an amazing idea. Bring The Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him. Everyone's coming, right?" Veronica asked.

"No, because the Serpents weren't invited," Jughead shook his head.

"The Serpents were specifically asked to come," Veronica said.

"Yeah, to provide security," Veronica corrected her sister, going to sit on the arm of the couch Jughead sat on, "It's like they're all on the Snowpiercer train, but the Serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches."

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