Chapter Fourteen

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Carson let out a yawn as she walked out of the restroom from brushing her teeth

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Carson let out a yawn as she walked out of the restroom from brushing her teeth. She only wore one of Sweet Pea's white t-shirts and her underwear, leaning on the door way and adoring Sweet Pea as he slept. His shirt was off and he had one arm bent behind his head and the other was where Carson once laid.

She smiled lightly and walked to the kitchen, thinking of making breakfast for Sweet Pea and herself. She nodded to herself and got out eggs, bacon, and bread. She inserted the bread into the toaster and pushed the lever down, then turning to the stove and finishing up the eggs and bacon. Afterwards, she placed some eggs, bacon, and some toast onto plates for her and Sweet Pea.

She felt arms wrap around her waist and she smiled, looking up to see Sweet Pea. His hair was messy and in different places, making Carson chuckle. She turned off the stove then turned in his arms, Sweet Pea sending her a goofy smile.

"G'morning, sweetheart," his morning voice was raspy, and Carson loved it.

She smiled, "Good morning, handsome. I made some breakfast."

He made a face before a smirk came upon his lips and he placed his forehead upon Carson's, "Babe."


"What if I'm not hungry."

Carson sighed, "Then at least let me eat."

"No, listen. What if I'm not hungry for food, but for you."

Carson's eyebrows raised and a small smirk pulled at her lips, "I think I'm a little hungry for you too."

"Oh, really?" Sweet Pea asked, raising a brow.

Carson nodded, the two of them looking at each other with lustful eyes. Carson leaned her up to kiss Sweet Pea, the couple kissing for a long moment before things started to escalate. A giggle escaped Carson's lips after Sweet Pea had mumbled a 'jump' against her lips. She obliged, jumping and wrapping her legs around his torso then smashed her lips against his again.

The couple heavily kissed as Sweet Pea walked them into his room, slamming the door shut with his foot then throwing Carson onto the bed. Carson smiled, watching as Sweet Pea removed his shirt. Carson trailed a hand up from his waist to his neck, pulling him back down to kiss again. Sweet Pea helped Carson remove his shirt from her body, throwing it somewhere in the room. Sweet Pea pressed kisses against her neck, biting, licking, and blowing lightly at the purple marks he left; his mark on what was his. A soft moan escaped Carson's lips when Sweet Pea had bit a certain spot, Carson feeling him smirk against the skin.

He then trailed kisses down her chest, avoiding her black bra and continuing down to her underwear before kissing right back up to her lips.

"Sweets. ." Carson trailed off, Sweet Pea immediately looking at her, "Take it slow."

Sweet Pea smiled lightly, kissing her forehead.

"I love slow."

Short breaths were released as the couple laid together, their bodies sweaty and their heads resting against each other.

"I should probably head home. My dad said that my weekend ends when my sister gets home and she's home so that's an end of this," Carson groaned.

Sweet Pea chuckled, squeezing Carson tight to his body, "So you're gonna leave right now?"

Carson made him look at her, "If I didn't have to, I wouldn't. Unfortunately, I have to. God, I hate my father."

"Hate's a strong word," Sweet Pea said as he watched Carson get dressed.

"I know. That's why I'm using it. Drive me home?" She asked, grabbing her duffle bag.

Sweet Pea nodded, "Of course, sweetheart."

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