Chapter 1

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It was late on a dark and stormy night when a 2003 SUV swerved off the Wickery Bridge.

Damon is in the woods hunting when he hears the crash. He speeds to it as fast as he can and when he gets there the car is already fully submerged. He quickly dives into the cold water crushing around him. He swims down to the car to see a man, a woman, and a girl. He looks at the girl with a confused expression, 'Katherine?' he thinks. He struggles to try to open the door he looks at the man and he's pointing to his daughter so he goes to the back and breaks the window and opens the door from the inside and successfully gets the girl to the shore of the river. He goes back to save the parents but its already too late. They didn't survive. 

After he saves the girl he notices a car coming his way and he quickly runs in front of it waving his hands. The car stops and a woman gets out.

"Call 9-1-1. There has been an accident." 

The woman pulls out her phone and calls the number.

"Yes, there has been an accident at the Wickery Bridge. Some man is here would you like to talk to him?" the woman asks she nods and hands me the phone.

"Sir I need you to give me all the details." the operator says

"I'm Damon Salvatore my uncle is Zach Salvatore... There has been an accident. A car went off the road into the river I managed to save their daughter but her parents didn't survive."

"Thank you, Sir, Medical Assistance is on its way."

First Day of School

"You guys need anything? Pencil, Paper, Lunch Money?" my aunt Jenna holds out two 10 dollar bills Jeremy takes the money out of her hand and leaves

"I love you Aunt Jenna but Bonnie is here." I say as I grab my bag

I hop into the car with bonnie and buckle up.

"Good Morning." Bonnie greets me

"Good Morning." I reply

We drive off.

"Hello, earth to Elena. back into the car." I snap out of it and look at her

"Sorry. you were saying?" I ask

"Yeah, so I'm psychic now." 

"You are still believing what your grams told you."

"Of course not. She was probably drunk when she told me. But I did predict Heath Ledger, Obama, and I still think florida is going to break off into little resort islands." She finishes and laughs, I laugh with her

"Oh my god!" I hear Bonnie scream as I feel the car jolt to the side

Bonnie hits the breaks. Hard.

"I am so sorry Elena. The bird it just came out of nowhere and-." I stop her mid-sentence

"Its okay Bon I can't be afraid of cars for the rest of my life." 

"Okay." she starts the car again

"Well predict something good about me." I amuse her

"I predict that this year is going to be kick ass." I chuckle

"Thanks, Bonnie."

We arrive at school and pull into a parking space. We open the doors, grab our bags and get out. We make our way to the front entrance people staring at me. Bonnie and I make our way to my locker and when we are headed straight for it we see Damon waiting there for us.

"Good Morning Ladies." Damon half smiles

Ever since Damon saved me from the car since that night we have become good friends. I am eternely Grateful him. He doesnt treat me like im fragile like the others do.

"Morning Damon." I smile back at him

I open my locker and take my leather jacket off and place it in and close the door.

"How are you today Elena?" Damon asks

"Im fine. Just its a little rough. I miss them so much." 

Damon wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. His muscles tightening around me. I feel so secure and warm. After a few seconds, he lets go but I don't want him to.

"I will see you guys in first period." Bonnie waves goodbye

"Can you hug me again. I really need it?" I ask and he pulls me into his brace once again and I feel that security again

I don't know how long we were hugging for but the next thing I know I hear the bell ring. People started walking past so Damon and I decided to head to first period together. We get there and sit in our assigned seats. Me in the third row infront of Bonnie who is in the fourth row and Damon in the fifth row diagonal from me. Mr. Tanner speaks I don't pay attention I just keep looking back at Damon. Hes always distracting me from Tanner. I dont notice the time past. Again. The bell rings and we leave the class.

At the end of the day, we all meet by Bonnie's car.

"I can't believe it is the first day and we already got homework." Bonnie complains

"You mean you cant believe Tanner gave us history homeork on the first day."

"Yeah whatever its still homework we dont need. Especially on the first day." 

"Well, Damon and I are going to the grill tonight. You coming?" I ask

"Of course I am. It is tradition. Meet you guys there at 8?"

"Sounds good." 

Damon and I make our way to his sky blue 1969 chevy convertible. He opens the door for me and closes it just like a gentleman. He drops me off at home and walks me to my door.

"See you here at 7:30." He kisses me on my cheek and I blush 

He rubs his thumb along my cheek.

"You always blush when I do that. It's cute. See you tonight Angel."

That's his nickname for me. Angel. And I couldn't have asked for a better one. I love him. I open my door walk in then close it. What a day.

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