First step (Re-Edit)

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It was just a normal day around the Avengers HQ until Tony keep bothering Bruce and making him Hulk out. "CRAP! Bruce you have to calm down!! you gonna destroy the whole place!" Tony was trying to calm down the Hulk since Natasha was on a mission.

"Tony! We need to calm Bruce down before he started to destroy everything!" The the Hulk beggining to throw everything in his path. He was grabbing a table and throw it your way. Everything was in slow motion and the table that was in your way was floating in the middle of air with a red smoke coming from around it.

"Tony grab y/n!!" She has a weird red smoke coming from her hand. Then in the waved of her hand the table was throw the other way. The impact also throw away your favorite toy away. "ahhh!" you as a baby you are quite the stubborn one. You hate the floor whenever you crawl it would hurt you leg.

you sit, put your hand on the floor and try to lift your tiny butt from the floor.

you able to stand up without any support. somehow.

you try to make the first move, you flop back down on your butt.

stand up, first step you made it.

second step, success.

then you getting the hang of it. but you didn't know that The Hulk is already calm down and everyone was staring at you while Jarvis record every movement.

third step success.

Fourth step success!

then once you arrive at your toy you sit back and throw your hands in the air as your dad scope you up.

"good job y/n!! you did your first step!!" everyone was cheering for you, your dad Steve give you a lot of bear hug while Tony he gave you a lot of kissed.

"i-i-i..." you tried to say that word.. what was it again? ah right! "i i did it!!" you screaming at the top of your lung. Everyone was shokced. "Yes!! my Daughter going to be miny Me!!" Tony scoped you from Steve and just twirl you around. that is the memory of best day ever.

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