I did what?

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You wake up in the morning to a very bright sun and when you open your eye the first thing you saw was, a very heavy thing on top of you. You look at your body to see Thor sleeping his head on your stomach,  and a black cat on top of you? "What the hell?" Tony open his eye to see you very clearly somehow.

"Y/n!? You wake up already?" You hold your head in confusion. "What happen?" You dad then shrug. "I don't remember all I know is you said something like 'my job is done..' And them you fainted.." You look at him in confused. "I did that? All I can remember is I was chok-" You look around and saw T'Challa looking at uou. You hand then trembling none stop when you remember everything you did yesterday, you were choking T'Challa kill many people..

"Oh god what have I done..." You say while your body trembling even more. "Y/n..do you know why your turn black and you have a wing? A jet black wing.." You shrug. "I-i don't know.. I was just remember I suddenly have this anger I don't know where it coming from when I know you guys can die.. T-then.. A-a v.. Voice.. In my head.."

They eye widen. "A voice from your head? How long have it been since that voice was in your head?" "I first hear it when I was out with uncle Loki and Uncle Thor.. I hear a voice calling me.. I go there.. And. Then I was O me where else.. That was the first time I saw Uncle Strange.."

Then a portal suddenly pop out of nowhere behind. Everyone and everyone was very caution when Strange come out of the portal. Everyone was calm. "Guys.. I think I know why Y/n have been hearing those voices.." Steve and Tony look at each other before look back at Stephen. "You know why she can hear it?" Stephem nodded. "It.. Come from her necklace.." Everyone look at your necklace. You then grab your necklace and examine it. "What does the voice have to do with my necklace?" You ask then Stephen let out a heavy sigh.

"That necklace stone is one of the six infinity stone..." Thor and Loki eye widen,  "that impossible we would have notice it! How come we can't notice it?" Strange waved his hand and a hologram with colour was floating on top, show a six colour stone. "This is all the six infinity stone... Right now I discover four stone on earth.. The teresseract is the space stone... Vision stone is the mind stone.. And y/n is the soul stone.."

"Wait you say there is four at one where is the fourth stone?" Tony ask then Stephen then make a move with his hand and the necklace that shape like an eye open show a green stone. "This is.. The time stone.. It can control time and now I'm the protector..." Loki then say "but that impossible how the heck did the soul stone here? Tony where did you fine the stone?"  Tony bulb of mind lit up and he know.  "That why! Steve when I found y/n she was crying very loud and it like nobody can hear her! That mean her parent know about the stone and put a protection spell on her or something.."

"That true course she can somehow get inside the Karma-taj without getting know.. And she pass my barrier.." Natasha eye then widen "wait then how did she have a black wing? Plus that wing is so bad ass I mean it half skeleton.."

"Well.. The soul stone able to control live and death itself.. That mean.. It probably from the stone or from y/n bloodline her parent have wings.." Everyone was talking and then there Clint,  Bucky and Sam can't keep up with they thinking.. "Wait what stone!? What six stone? Why does she have a wing?" Clint ask. Tony laugh "Brucie help me by explaining to these triple idiot.." Bruce only nodded. "Now don't let me hulk out when I explain to the three of you.."

"Well.. I know she was special I mean.. She was healthy even thought she have a purple eye.." Steve raised an eyebrow "wait.. If anyone have a purple colour eye they have a disease?" Tony Nodded. "Well but y/n Don't have any.. Which is weird.." Natasha then say "what happen if she was an alien?" Everyone look at Natasha shockingly. "What?" Stephen say.

"Well that might be true.. I mean.. If her parent have the Soul stone.. How or where did they find it?" Everyone was quite. "That is the thing we need to find out.. And also we need to captured the professor..."

"Is it that professor? The one who able to kidnapped us?" T'Challa nodded. You groan "seriously.. That asshole must know something.."

"Know what?" Tony ask. T'Challa sigh and get closer to Tony "he said if we want to save everyone y/n have to get it out.. He also give us a riddle..That time I don't know why but y/n eye turning back and a wing come out from her back.." You then look somewhere else trying to avoid they eye contact. "Y/n..is that true?" You slowly nodded. "Well we need to find that doctor.. He probably know something about y/n parent.."

Then a knock can be hear from outside. The door open to. Reveal Pepper was holding a basket full of fruit and she was sweating. "Y/n are you okay!?" You nodded. "Yes Aunt Pepper.. It fine it just a miner injury.  It heal soon enough!" You smile try to make her not worried anymore. "Tony what happen?" You then grab and apple from the basket and a loud crush fill the room. Everyone look at you "what? I'm Hungry.." You shrug and take another bite.

"Well do you want to eat something?"

"Hell yeah!" Steve then give you a death glare.

"Y/n language.." "So.. Someone please bring me Something to damn eat.." Pepper just laugh when you say curse word. To Pepper to spoil you is like her top priority.. He is like a second mother to you, well Tony is like Your mom and Steve is basically a dad. "Sure y/n what do you want?"

"Well I want a-" Then something praise through the wall making you cursed quite loud. "HOLY MOTHER BOGGER CHOCO LATTE OF FUCK!? WHAT THE FUCK?"

Clint look at you and clap "yep that how you cursed.." The one who praise through the wall is vision. " Vision there is a door for A reason.." He laugh. On his hand is A pizza box he put on top of you. "Your forgiven buddy.."



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