Accusations-Mindy (!)

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Ok, so this one is a little controversial and I didn't really know if I wanted to post it. But since this is my book, I decided why not, its not like its true, or how they think. So *warning* this is fiction, please understand that.

Oh and there is blink and you will miss it Jacklyn because...cuties.

I love our fans, I really do. Just sometimes, they can blow things out of proportion. For example, Rye and I cannot even stand in the same photo together with out getting "Randy this" or "Randy that". Yes, Rye and I are really close, but we are just friends and its really taking a toll on our friendship. Rye and I have to be careful with anything we post now and we cannot do little things together because we get bombarded with accusations. Our friendship isn't the same silly, cuddle filled relationship anymore and it sucks.

Mikey brought that up on a live. One of the fans asked if we kissed anymore and when he answered no, everyone freaked out. We are just not comfortable anymore with how some of the roadies act when we do things like that. I do miss it sometimes, everyone in the band use to be so close, but being called gay day in and day out gets quite tiresome.

I walk outside to our moonlit garden and find Mikey smoking a cigarette. He only smokes when he's feeling anxious, so something must be up. I sit down next to him, "hey mate, can I bum one off of you?"

He looks over to me with a confused expression, "sense when do you smoke?" he asks reaching down to his packet. He pulls out a fag and hands it to me.

"Never, its a metaphor," I smile putting the unlit cig in my mouth.

He laughs, "oh fuck off," he takes it back and sets it down on his leg. It goes quiet for a second or two and I watch Mikey stare off into the sky before taking a drag and ashing it.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I ask, leaning back into my chair.

Mikey peeks over to me before looking back up, "I don't know man," he sighs, "how do you handle everyone calling you gay?" He asks so blunt and to the point. All of us are pretty good at brushing off hate and accusations, except for Mikey. In his head, comments about his sexuality equal hate.

"Mate, they are a just a bunch of girls being silly and looking way to close in to things," I try to explain.

"I just," he puts out his cigarette, "I just don't understand. I act myself, then I am gay. But when I tell them I'm not they freak out on me. I'm not- I'm not gay. I even had to make Jack delete the video he posted of us on our story because people were like Mack, Mack, ooh Brook is going to be jealous. Like, I just don't understand. Jack was pretty sad about me wanting to delete it and now he thinks I don't like him, which isn't true." He huffs after his little rant before leaning back in his chair. He looks sad and defeated, like he has no idea what to do.

"Mikey, why do you care so much about what people say about your sexuality? You know what you are. You are such a comfortable and confident person, but every time that insignificant thing is mentioned, you break down," I ask. He visibly shrinks down into the chair. This problem has been going on forever. He has always been the less affectionate one. Gets awkward when we try to kiss him and even even pulls away from hugs in public. I have always been curious about it. Wondering why he cares so much about his image.

Mikey lets out a huge sign before rubbing his eyes then running his fingers through his messy hair. "Because Andy," he mumbles, "I- I have always been the different one. Not just in this band, but in my life in general," he explains, sort of. I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

"Ok, so? That's what makes you special. You add a little edge," I shrug my shoulders.

"No, um like, I have been hiding behind this persona I made up," he says looking up at me. His eyes keep bouncing back and forth between my two eyes, kind of like he is nervous. Almost like he is trying to say something with out actually saying it. "Hiding who I am."

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