Falling out of Love - Randy/Rykey (!!)

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"Shut up, just fucking shut up Ryan yeah?" Andy yells throwing his hands up in the air, "there is no excuse this time. You fucked up, simple as that."

I look down at my beat up converses not daring to look my boyfriend in the eye. He is right, there is no excuse.

"All I asked for was one night. One night where we can be just Andy and Rye without any distractions or disruptions and you decide go get drunk with your friends? What the hell is wrong with you?"

The liquor bottle dangling in my grasp feels like it is a hundred pounds now.

"We never get time alone, ever Rye. When we do, we have to force shitty randy content for the fans. But this night, I wanted this night to be just about us," his voice goes quiet for a second.

I look up to see him fiddling with the bracelet I gave him for our anniversary. We make eye contact and his soft eyes harden again.

"You had to fucking ruin it though, you always fucking ruin it," his voice was like venom and each word pierced my heart even further.

"And-andy," I pathetically try, but my voice is just a slurred mess.

"Ha," he laughs sarcastically, "you can't even proper speak mate." He picks up a back pack before walking to the door. My eyes follow his figure and when he makes it to the door, he turns back around to face me, "I'm staying at Jack's tonight, and don't you dare follow me."

With that, Andy opens the door and walks out before slamming it shut. I flinch at the sound before staring at the door. God damnit. God fucking damnit. Why did I do this? What possessed me to blow off my boyfriend like that? My friends didn't coax me into it. Andy hasn't done anything thing to make me act this way. This was all my fault.

I scream and throw the empty bottle against the wall, listening to it smash and shatter to a million little pieces. I hate myself. I hate that I can't do anything right. I hate that I cannot love Andy the way he deserves to be loved. I reach for my phone and call the first person that I know will answer.

"Mate, it's like two in the morning," Mikey mumbles from the other side of the line.

"Mike, come over," my words slurring together because my lips feel too tingly and heavy from the alcohol.

"What why?" he asks sounding a little more alert, "where is Andy? Have you been drinking again?"

I can hear rustling in the background and it makes me smile knowing that he was coming. "Jack's," was all I managed to get out.

"Okay," my best friend says, "I will be there in ten."

Not too long after the phone call ended, Mikey walks through my front door with his spare key. I look up from where I am sitting at on the ground against the couch and he sighs after seeing my state. He walks over before sitting down next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder and breathe in the masculine sent of his cologne. "I messed up," I mumble into his sweater,

"I know." He must have talked to Andy.

"I don't love him in that way anymore," I say as a single tear falls down my cheek.

"I know," he sighs, "you need to tell him."

"I know." It was quiet for a little bit before I spoke up again, "I smashed a bottle against the wall."

"What?" he body jerks causing me to lift my head off of him. He looks around my apartment before settling on my own eyes. Although my vision is a bit foggy from the newly formed tears and the alcohol, I could still see the light sky blue eyes staring deep into my brown ones. Mikey always wore his emotions in his eyes. He looked sad and concerned. He looked beautiful.

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