Lie to Me-Randy (!!!)

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(A/N) a few things before you read this.

1) this is au where Rye is an International pop star and Mindy is a very famous youtube couple.

2) this story has two flash backs and they are italicized (like this authors note) and are out of order, but I hope the timeline makes sense to you.

3) I originally had this written for a different ship, but I changed my mind while writing so if you see any mistakes I missed (ex: wrong eye color) please let me know.

4) cringy af smut again. I am so sorry, I am trying to get better at it lmao.

All right, I hope you like it! x


I hate going to parties alone. I absolutely despise it. 'Why don't you get a date just for the night?' Well, the one thing I hate more than being alone is a random hookup. I hate how I feel after. I feel gross. Used. I would look over to the model, or actor, or fellow singer and cringe and the mere thought of what I just done. I want a relationship. I love getting to know someone, taking them on dates. I love courting a person.

Being famous, my friends think I am absolutely crazy. 'But you are Ryan Beaumont, the next Justin Timberlake, you can have any and every one you want?' This is true. I have toured all over the world, getting multiple chances to sleep with beautiful people, but that's all they want. They want to be able to say that they slept with the Ryan Beaumont. They don't want to be with me, just plain ol' Rye, the young man who wants to sing and share his music with the world.

No one wants to get to know the real me. They just want to get with me. Well, all accept one. All accept the blonde haired, blue eyed boy standing across the room from me. He looks so beautiful in his button up shirt, drink in his hand, and smile on his face. He look so beautiful underneath his arm.

Andy and Mikey, the youtube 'it' couple. They have been vlogging their daily lives for years and they have been together for even longer. With millions of subscribers, they were able to produce their own movie and that's where we are now, the after party of the premier. Me, standing lonely in the corner as I watch the love of my life mingle with everyone, hand and hand with his boyfriend, happy as hell.

Andy looks up from his current conversation and we make eye contact. He gives me a small smile before looking away, cuddling more into Mikey's side.


Andy's naked body presses against mine as he breathes evenly in his sleep. I listen to the crazy noises outside of my flat in New York City as I watch him. The loud car honks and random city noises are actually, strangely, comforting to me. I felt Andy stir underneath me and I look over at the clock.

"What time is it?" he mumbles on cue.

"11 pm," I answer hugging him tighter.

"I don't want to leave."

I kiss the top of his head, "don't."

Then, I hear a familiar ringtone and I sigh as Andy untangles himself from me. He sits on the edge of the bed for a second before stretching and pulling his briefs on. He picks up the phone, "hey babe," his voice is different when he talks to Mikey. He sounds bored. "Yeah, the reshoots are going as planned," he mumbles before looking at me then back out the window.

I was currently in New York recording my third album while Andy is here finishing up his movie. We have been seeing each secretly over the past few months and it has honestly been the happiest time of my life. I have finally found someone who decided to get to know me for me before anything ever happened between us. What sucks is that he is already taken.

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