F.W.B. - Rylyn (!) pt. 2

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Pt. 2 was requested by: ryepiefovvs

I hope you like it even though it is trash. ha.


I did not mean for things to go so bad with Brook. I specifically set the "no feelings" rule to avoid situations like this. It has been about a month since our falling out and Brook has yet to talk to me unless he had to or if we were in front of Blair. He would brush off my comments and avoid eye contact as much as possible. When we were home, he would stay in his room as much as possible, only coming out to piss and eat.

"What happened between you and Brook?" Andy asked while we were in the studio. Mikey was working on one of his parts of the song so the rest of us were chilling in the waiting room. Usually, we all hang out and talk amongst ourselves, but today there was an obvious divide. Andy and I were sitting at one side of the room on a couch while Jack and Brook were sitting on the floor on the opposite side.

They looked rather comfortable with one of Jack's knees pulled up balancing the phone and Brook's hand resting on Jack's thigh while his head was on Jack's shoulder. Both of Brook's knees were pulled up and leaning against Jack's and I can feel a little heat rising in his chest.

"Hello, earth to Rye?"

Ever since our fight, Brook has been glued to Jack. Never leaving his side for anything. He would flirt nonstop with the Irish lad and I know this because he used to be that way with me. He used to laugh at all of my stupid jokes. He used to compliment me after every time I sing. He used to touch me at any chance I get. It used to all only be for me.


I mean I get it. I understand why Brook is doing this. He is just pissed at me for not wanting to commit to him. But here is the thing, I thought he would stop after a week or two and just crawl back. That is what he always used to do. We fight about stupid things, he ignores me for a day or so, and then we pick up right where we left off. It was comforting to know that him being in my life was stable. But now with Jack begin in the picture, that small sense of comfort slowly fades away making me feel sad, mad, jealous.

"Ryan Beaumont!" Andy whisper yells.

"What?" I ask looking up from the floor.

"Mate, you look like you are about to bite someone's head off. Did you and Brook get into a fight? It's like you guys went from never leaving each other's side to him obviously trying to avoid you." Andy has always been observant. He catches onto things rather quickly and makes it his job to stop band drama before it starts. Any time there is a fight between band members, momma fovvs is to the rescue. Well, except when it's Andy, himself, being dramatic. Then, we just let him rant it out, post sad quotes on twitter, then we apologize to him even though nine times out of ten it is his fault.

I really do not want to talk about Brook and I's situation because no one is supposed to know about it. "It's nothing Andy, really. Brook and I just had a little miss communication, but it is okay now."

"Okay, whatever," Andy shrugs, "but if you need a talk, I will be here."

I smile before we do our little handshake, "thank you Andy."

When Mikey was done with his part, both Jack and Brook went into the booth to record a duet part of the song. I watch as they sang together in perfect harmony. I tense up every time they look at each other. But I look away when Brooklyn gives Jack a little kiss on the cheek when they were done. That was taking it a bit too far.

We make it back home and Brook walked directly into his room and jack followed closely behind. Brook turned around to close the door and when we made eye contact he rolled his eyes before shutting it. I went to sleep that night pissed off, confused and lonely.

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