Questionable Feelings - Jacklyn (!)

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Here is the thing, I'm drunk. Like really drunk. This was not suppose to happen. We were just going to the bar for a few pints after our show in London, thats it. Now, we are at some club that Rye got us in to where the music is too loud, the drinks are too watered down, and I can't see more than ten feet away from me because of the cigarette smoke.

Mikey is at the bar chatting up some girl he saw. Andy and Rye went to the bathroom together and haven't been back for thirty minuets. Brook is on the dance floor dance with who knows. I, with out knowing, volunteered to sit at our booth so no one will take it, but I'm perfectly content with that. I feel like even if I try to stand, I would fall on my ass.

Mikey comes back with two drinks and a smile on his face, "got that bird's number, but then her boyfriend came back from the bathroom," he starts to laugh, "sluts these days man."

I roll my eyes. Thats why I don't bother with anyone, no one is faithful anymore. I sip on vodka coke and watch the lights as they move around the building until it starts making me feel sick. I think its about time I stop drinking.

Mikey leans next to me, "mate, Rye got sick so Andy is taking him back to the hotel. You ready to go back?"

I look into the crowd, then back down at my phone. 3 am. As much as I didn't want to move, the feeling of falling asleep is calling me. "Yeah."

"Do you want to find Brook or me?"

"I'll go, it shouldn't take long."

"Ok, see you at the door. I'm going to close the tab."

We separate and I stumble down to the swarm of bodies that are moving around. The air is so hot, the bass is vibrating the floor, and I cannot tell the difference between one person and another. This is going to be harder than I thought. I walk around the dance floor until I finally spot the little blonde hair boy dancing with some girl. He was laughing, smiling, being free. Being beautiful. His skin shined in the dim light and I can see his chiseled bone structure from a mile away.

He looks up and we make eye contact. His big, green eyes shining through the hazy atmosphere. I bite my lip and motion him to come towards me. He gives the girl a little kiss on the cheek before working his way off the dance floor. I have always been jealous of the older lad. It is literally effortless for him to look great. His voice is perfect, face is perfect, his body is perfect. I just want to look like him with out looking like I'm trying too hard.

Before I knew it, Brook is standing right in front of me, "Jackie, I'm drunk," he mumbles before giggling and wrapping his arms around me.

I smile because his smile is too contagious, "me too mate," I slither my arm around his waist, "lets go to the hotel. Time to sleep."

"Okay, will you sleep with me tonight?" Brook asks as we are walking towards the door.

"'Corse babe," I smile.

He hums and gives me a small kiss on the cheek. Brook has always been an affectionate person. He is not afraid of PDA and to tell you how he feels about you. That's one of the things I admire about him.

We catch up with Mikey and the uber takes us to our hotel. Thank god there was water bottles in the car because I needed to sober up a little before we arrive. Rye and Andy are sharing a room, Mikey has a single room, and Brook and I are sharing a room. When we make it to our doors, Mikey pulls out the keys, "if you guys need anything let me know, I'll keep the door that connects our rooms unlocked."

"Alright, thank you. Night mate," I mumble grabbing our key from Mikey. Brook is now leaning all of his weight on me. His face is buried in my neck with one of his arms wrapped dangerously low on my waist and the other hand on my shoulder. Its a good thing the car ride sobered me up a little bit because we would both be on the floor right now.

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