What a Freak [2]

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Yeah, maybe I lied when I said I'm not feeling well in order to end the conversation, but look where I am now. Inside of McDonald's with some scarily good looking guy I've seriously never met before, or have I?

He acts like he's super familiar with me. Maybe he's a serial killer? Okay but honestly I wouldn't mind.
"Hey y/n", he snaps his fingers right in front of my face making me blink. "What?"
"You keep dazing off. What's on your mind?"
"What are you? My therapist?" I joke around sarcastically but thankfully he gets my type of humor and laughs. "Why? Is your therapist as handsome as I am?" I roll my eyes and take a sip of my drink when my phone starts beeping.
It's Jeno;

Hey y/n, where are you? You didn't come to class, are you skipping? ~Jeno

Funny how he immediately suspects I'm skipping class whenever I don't show up, but I mean he's right. Before I can even reply to his texts, my phone dies. "Ah shit, I need to leave."
I swiftly grab my bag and get up, and of course Lucas follows me all the way to my apartment.

"You live here by yourself?" He asks curiously when entering the room with me.
"Nah. My brother Chan lives with me, but he's barely home." I quickly plug in my phone and sigh. "Could you... leave? Perhaps?"
I try not to sound too impolite but honestly the last thing I want is him to just randomly stay at my place. I've had enough social interaction for today.

It seems as tho he's too intrigued in all my decor and furniture, freak...
I don't think he heard me so I just try not to give a shit and take out my notebook. For some reason he turns around and walks over to me when he sees me writing something down.

"What are you writing, y/n?"
Can he please stop saying my name like that?
"Words", I answer shortly and he laughs again.
"You're so fucking shady, y/n"
Damn so he manages to sound even hotter when cursing. Wait- why am I thinking like that...

I take a deep breath in, so that maybe he'll interpret it as a sign of annoyance, but nah. Instead, he just takes a seat next to me and attempts to read my notes. At first, I don't notice it.

"So you write stories?"
I jump. Seriously can he stop with this? He jumpscares me more than any horror game I've ever played, and that truly says a lot.
"Why do you care?"

He shrugs his shoulders and starts leaning in closer towards me.
"You're just so intriguing, for some reason."
I hope he can't see that I'm sweating.
I definitely have to come up with some sort of excuse to get him away from me.
"Oh would you look at the time, it's 10.15!
My brother will be home soon so you gotta go."
I start pushing him outside and instantly shut the door. Finally... what do I do now?

I actually really hope Chan will come home soon as I'm still hungry as hell and he can cook extremely well. Oh wait, I still haven't replied to Jeno. Should I give him a call? Nah, I'm too exhausted. A text will do

Hi Jeno, yeah I was skipping. Ttyl! ~ y/n

I can hear my front door open, and out of the corner of my eye I can see someone with grayish hair walk in. It's Chan!
I get up rapidly to hug him. I missed him.

The last time I properly got to see him was two days ago, and even tho that might not be that long, he's my older brother and also one of the only friends I have in this entire country. That's why I always get super excited whenever I get the chance to talk to him about my day and hug him. He's also one of the only people allowed to touch me. Not in the dirty way, but I just generally dislike skinship a lot.

"Hey Baby sis! Who is that giant I saw outside of our apartment?"
I facepalm. This is the last thing I've wanted.
Now Chan will forever believe that Lucas is my boyfriend or whatever.
"Please don't mention him."
"Why?", he smirks and nudges my arm.

"I guess it's embarrassing, huh? But he looks like a nice guy, so good choice!"
I'm not even going to attempt starting a fight with him because he's a stubborn little bitch, so I just take my phone and get back into my room.

Nice guy my ass, he's a freak! Then again, so am I... Maybe that's why he's one of the only guys willing to hang out with me besides Jeno and my brother. Plus, I have to admit, he's pretty damn cute.
No, y/n stop this! Get him out of your head right now and shut up! Great, now I'm talking to myself again...
I seriously need more friends.

Whatever, maybe a nap will help me to clear my thoughts

Whatever, maybe a nap will help me to clear my thoughts

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(Our Stray Kids Cult leader Bang Chan. Plz stan them they're great!)

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