My Big Brother [6]

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I'm lying awake. I know it's not a good thing to do but my sleeping schedule is fucked anyway, and I just have too many things on my mind. It's like no matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about Lucas. Of course I don't love him or anything, but I'm still interested.

So far I know barely anything about him, besides all the stuff he told me earlier. I just find it impressive how he's so strong even tho he just moved her recently, and I'm still wondering why he chose to protect me, or talk to me, when there's hundreds of other, better girls, he could've picked.

What's so special about a girl sitting in the back of the class who's absent often due to her weak ass mental health? Why does he want to hang out with a freak like me?

I can feel the light of the hallway hit my back, meanwhile the rest of my room is dark. Is someone here? I turn around to see my brother Chan leaning onto the doorframe. He sighs,

C: "Baby sis, it's 4am, what are you doing up?"
He steps towards me and looks at me, awaiting an answer. "I don't know what to do", I whisper to him. "Y/n, tell me. I won't go to sleep before you."

Y: "Remember that guy you saw? That really tall one? He's confusing me..."
C: "Why?"
Y: "He's always around me and wants to hang out ever since we talked for the first time. I just don't understand why he wan-"
C: "-Please don't say anything about your weight or issues. Listen, I believe this guy likes you, as in like like, it doesn't matter that you might not be as mentally stable or thin as most other girls. Sis, you're beautiful",
he hugs me tightly, making me want to cry. Somehow he always manages to read my mind and cheer me up.

C: "But now, what do you think of him?"
Y: "I mean, I just find it impressive how strong he is, and that he actually wants to talk to me."
C: "Do you think he's cute?"
Y: "Well... I do like his hair, and his laugh, and stuff...", I mumble.

I usually don't talk to Chan about this, mainly because I never know if it's just a tiny crush or if it could actually work out at some point. I've never had a boyfriend, and I'm not sure if I want one. I don't know if I'm ready.

My brother notices that I'm getting slightly embarrassed, so he gets up and smiles.
C: "Just remember, I'll always support you. Now sleep"
Y: "But you need to sleep too! You're always working, it's not healthy."
He nods and slowly closes my door again.

I decide to check my Instagram once more, and a picture of Lucas pops up on my screen. I look at it for a bit. His hair looks really good on this one... Wait, why am I smiling? I should probably stop for now...

*Chan's POV*

I know my sister worries a lot about me, because I usually stay up for hours at night to produce music, and then sleep for maybe an hour before getting up, preparing breakfast and practicing choreographies. It's not good for me, obviously.

The thing is, I'm the leader of Stray Kids, meaning I have to make sure we release bops, and bops only.
And I have to make sure that everything goes as planned.

I worry more about her, to be honest. More than she'll ever know.
She's been suffering from so many mental issues, and even after years she's not recovering.

Sometimes I feel like I failed in my role as her big brother, but I'm so glad that she still loves me. Jeno looks after her whenever I can't.

I'm wondering who exactly that Lucas is. It seems they just met recently but he apparently really likes her company. I'm not a strict brother, I do allow her to date, but she has to properly introduce him to me first.

I know I should sleep, but I have a lot of things on my mind right now. Before I'm not done with my to-do list, I can't close my eyes.

Met in a Dream [Lucas x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now