Who was that? [3]

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The same scenario. He's chasing after me again, and I hide behind a tree. But something seems a bit different. I can hear him call my name. "Y/n, where are you?"
He finds me and we laugh about it, now he has to leave and I wake up.

Seriously what is up with this reoccurring dream? Why do I keep seeing it?
But also, why was it a bit more this time.
I heard him call my name while he was searching for me, which he didn't do before...
Should I really be theorizing about this so much? I mean, maybe it is just a Dream. But it's really freaking weird anyway...

Different question, for how long have I been asleep for? It's 12.30
Wow, that sure was a power nap, yet I'm still really exhausted.
I could get up and see if Chan has made anything for dinner. Yeah sounds good.

"Hey brother. Any food here?"
He's standing in the kitchen and is staring at our oven. "No, but soon."
I sigh in relief and jump onto the couch.
Jeno has sent me a screenshot of some sorta web thing. What is it about?

A reoccurring dream;
It could mean that that event has happened once in your life and you're reliving it again, and it could also have a lot to do with what is happening in it. Is there a certain person in your dream? Do you know them? Pay attention to who it is because they probably play a big role, or will, in your present life.

Thanks for trying to help me Jeno, but I have no idea who the hell that little kid is nor if this ever happened to me. ~ y/n

I wonder what Lucas is doing right now. Not that I care about him or anything, but I wonder if he's still stalking the outside of my apartment or if he finally gave up and left. Does he even have his own place or does he sleep at the bus stop? Maybe that's why he wanted to stay at my place. Damn, if that were the reason then I'm seriously a bitch. Actually no, he could've picked someone else to annoy, why does it have to be me?

"Sis! Wake up!" Chan shouts at me. Did he ask me something? I didn't hear anything.
"Wha-?" "You're always daydreaming", he says and I roll my eyes. "Oh you're not the first one to notice that" "why?"

Oh no, I shouldn't have mentioned this. I cannot talk about what happened earlier because I don't want him to assume there's is anything going on between me and Lucas, even tho he's already believing that. I won't let him know about anything else.

"Oh, uh... Jeno noticed it."
Chan grins and sits down next to me.
"I find it cute how you're able to be best friends with him. By the way are there any guys you like, besides the one I saw here earlier ;)"
"Chan for fuck sake I don't even know him that well." "Yeahh that's what they all say" he winks at me and laughs.

Sometimes I really hate him, but the way he acts all cute and shit just.. it prevents me from staying mad at him.

"Is it okay if I quickly go out to get something from the grocery store and come back for lunch?"
"Okay sure. Bye y/n"

- Time skip -

I just got out of the store and am now heading back to my place, when I see someone nearby I'm slightly familiar with. I don't want to talk to him, but he already saw me. Maybe trying to run and hide will help?

I run quickly and stand behind the wall of another store. All I can hear from further away is "y/n? Are you there?"
Please don't tell me he's coming closer, I can't waste my time on another weird ass conversation now.

After a little while I can't hear him call my name anymore so I'm assuming he left, but now there's someone else up my ass.

"Well if it isn't y/n" the guy in the black jacket says.
"What the hell do you want..." I try to sound a bit threatening but this dude is scared of no one, especially not me. He knows my weaknesses and uses it all against me.

"What are you doing in town all by yourself when you know that this here is my street?"
I wish I could just slap him for saying that but currently I don't feel like being murdered. Why is he targeting me anyway? I just don't understand.

"This is not your street, Haechan" I raise my voice and look him in the eyes, trying to hide the fact that I'm incredibly nervous. He smirks and slowly grabs my neck.
"Don't try to act tough baby, we all know, deep down inside you're just a tiny little bitch."
Him insulting me is nothing unusual. He normally does this whenever I see him but this time I'm not leaving without at least attempting to defend myself.

"I was about to leave anyway, your face is making me want to throw up",I laugh.
Suddenly his expression changes and his hand holds onto my neck a lot tighter than before.
"Are you trying to fight me? Don't you know what happens? I'm in a good mood today so you better not ruin this, baby", he gets closer to my face and his voice is starting to sound scarier. I gulp and try to loosen his grip but he's right, I'm too weak. I can hear footsteps coming towards the small street I'm in.

"Hey you! Let her go!"
That voice... it seems as tho Lucas didn't leave yet. Should I be scared or glad that he found me here?
"Who the fuck are you roach?" Haechan asks without letting me go.
"I'm Wong Yukhei, or Lucas if you're too dumb to pronounce it", he says while coming closer towards the both of us.

"And what the hell do you want?"
"Let her go right now before I break your jaw."
Damn, I always thought Lucas was some innocent guy but he seriously looks like he's about to stab Haechan. Then again, I don't know if he stands a chance. Haechan is really freaking strong and I honestly don't want Lucas to get hurt.

"I don't need to listen to you. You see y/n right here? Yeah. She's my little toy. My little slut. Isn't that right?"
His grip gets tighter and tighter and it's getting harder for me to breathe. Because I don't want him to bruise me again, I nod.
"Did you just call her a slut?", Lucas asks and clenches his fist.
"Dude just fuck off-"
"-I SAID did YOU just call Y/N a SLUT?"

It seems even Haechan is starting to feel a bit tense from the sudden danger coming from Lucas' voice. Is he getting scared?
He let me go now, and is targeting Lucas now instead.

"Listen you roach. You can't just come into my street and take what belongs to me okay? I own this bitch, she's mine!", Haechan shouts.
I can't believe what I'm witnessing...
Lucas just punched him in the stomach and he just.. fell down onto the floor. He's defeated already?? I've never seen this happen before.

I can't even react to it because Lucas immediately grabs my arm and pulls me away from there.
After arriving at a safer place, he lets me go and takes a look at my neck.

"Am I bruised?" I Ask Him, and he shakes his head. Thank god... I really wouldn't have wanted my brother to notice and get worried.
"Who the hell was that guy?". Lucas looks extremely concerned.

"Look, I'm extremely grateful that you saved me but I can't tell you who he is. That's none of your business and now please let me go home."
I walk ahead but he runs in front of me and blocks my way.
"Wait! At least let me walk you back to your apartment."

What the hell does he want? I don't know him, he doesn't know me. We have nothing to do with eachother and yet he's always around me and tries to talk to me. I don't deserve all this attention.

"No thank you. I can do this by myself."

Met in a Dream [Lucas x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now