Chapter one

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(Nate's P.O.V)

"We have fifteen minutes left Nate." My therapist said to me. We've been sitting in silence for the last five minutes. I sighed. "Something else you wanna talk about?" He asked. When I didn't reply he asked another question.

"How's school going?" I didn't like talking about school, I hated school. "Good." I answered coldly. My therapist let out a light chuckle. He always did that when I sounded annoyed. "Grades good?" He asked. Whenever our appointments became stagnant he asked questions about school knowing eventually I'd steer the conversation in another direction

  "My grades are always good." I said confidently. "But I don't wanna talk about school Brett." I said. Brett chuckled. " I know you don't." He said smirking. I hated it when Brett smirked. "Oh I know what you wanna talk about." He said triumphantly. "Actually no, I know who you wanna talk about." He corrected himself. I knew he was talking about Jay. I hated talking about Jay, it hurt but still I couldn't help but smile when I thought about but smile every time I thought about him. I've had a huge crush on him since we were twelve but I just hid my feelings from him. Jay was straight and he had a girlfriend, it's not like he would love me back.

"Why?" I asked. Brett shrugged. "Because you love him." He said casually. My face started to get hot. I looked down and tried not to think about Jay, which proved unsuccessful. "Fuck." I said under my breath. I looked back up at Brett. "Nate you seem frustrated." He said with that smirk still on his face. "You want me to talk about Jay?" I asked quietly. "Sure." He said shrugging. "Uh well I'm wearing his shoes today." I said kind of smiling. "Why's that, did you miss him that much?" Brett teased. "No." I said unamused with his joke. " He leaves his shit at my house all the time. I was rushing this morning and I just grabbed the first pair of shoes I saw." I explained.

"So how'd he get home without shoes on when he left those at your house?" He asked. "He just rode his bike home without shoes on like a hippie." I said laughing. I felt my phone go off in my pocket. "Is that Jay?" Brett asked, I rolled my eyes. "Haven't checked my phone yet." I said. "Well check it." He demanded. I laughed again as I checked my phone. My smile faded for a second then returned. "I was right wasn't I?" Brett questioned arragonatly. "Shut up." I said as I quickly texted Jay back. " Keep it up and I'll find a new therapist." I said Jokingly. "Start looking your appointment's over." Brett said gesturing to the clock.

I got up and started walking out, I stopped at the door. Brett usually said "See you next week." As I left after every appointment. "Brett!" I called to him. He was putting paperwork into a folder with my name on it. He then took out another folder with someone else's name on it. "Yes Nate?" He answered. "Seven years Brett you know the routine." I said. "Oh well I wasn't sure I'd be seeing you next week." He joked. I rolled my eyes. "See You next week Nate." Brett said. "Go on now Jay's waiting for you." He said chuckling. "Shut up." I said walking out of his office.

I walked down the hallway and into the waiting room where I saw a familiar head of red hair. He was looking down at down at his phone. I was glad he wasn't looking at me. It was hard enough keeping my cool being in the same room as Jay, it got twice as hard when I was looking him in his face. It was hard for me not to get lost in his emerald green eyes.

I walked over to the front desk . "Checking out Nate?" The Secretary asked me. She had an overly cheerful tone which annoyed me a little. "Yeah." I mumbled. "Okay.... So we'll set you up for your usual Thursday at six with Dr.Green right?" She said typing things into her computer. I said nothing I just nodded. She stopped typing and looked up. "Hi Jay, how are you?" She asked. I turned my head to see that Jay was standing next to me instead of sitting in the chair. "I'm good." Jay replied. The Secretary handed me my appointment card. "You boys have a nice weekend." She said still unecccearliy cheerful. "Thanks You too." Jay said. I didn't reply.

"Why are you so mean to Lydia?" Jay asked when we were outside. "Who?" I responded. " Lydia the Secretary, your so mean to her." Jay said. "I don't know, I'm like that with everyone." I replied. "But Lydia's nice to you, you shouldn't be rude to people that are nice to you." He lectured. "Well I don't like her." I said shrugging. "Why not?" He asked. He was starting to whine a bit. "Jay people annoy me." I said. Jay stopped walking. "Do I annoy you?" He questioned. He sounded like he was about to cry. "Well yeah you annoy me." I instantly regretted what I said. Jay was senstive so I needed to chose my words carefully. I walked over and stood in front of him "I mean you annoy me sometimes but your less annoying then other people. An-and most of the time your not annoying." I said. I lifted his head up by his chin so he was looking at me. It took all my strength to resist the urge to kiss him. "That's why your my best friend and nobody else." He smiled and hugged me, I hugged him back.

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