Chapter Six

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(Jay's P.O.V)

I woke up to someone knocking on my door. "Jay?" It was my dad. I walked over to the door and opened it. I was surprised my dad was home. He worked a lot, not because he needed too because he wanted to. My mom's and her family were rich so we never had money troubles. My dad simply worked because he enjoyed his job, but him working so much caused him to not to be home a lot.

  "Dinner's ready." He said. I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." I told him. I didn't know how many snacks I ate earlier. My dad just nodded. He looked over my shoulder at the various empty snack wrappers  that littered my floor. "Nate ate all those." I lied quickly. "That kid's a bottomless pit." My dad said. He chuckled and walked away.

  I shut my door and started cleaning up. I counted the calories of the things I remembered I ate hoping I was under the calorie intake I set for myself.

  My mom usually made chicken Alfredo on Saturdays and I really wanted to eat some. I even skipped breakfast this morning so I wouldn't be over my intake and I could eat dinner. Especially since last Saturday I stupidly ate ice cream and that put me thirty calories over my limit.

I groaned. I was 250 calories over my 500 calorie a day limit. I took all the garbage downstairs. "Jay I made chicken Alfredo!" My mom exclaimed. She knew it was my favorite. "I'm not hungry." I said. "Oh." She responded. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. "I'll fix you a plate in case your hungry later." She said.

  When I went back upstairs I noticed the can of ginger ale I asked Nate to bring me. I thought about how many calories I've had today. "Guess I can't drink that now." I thought. I grabbed the can and headed downstairs to put it back in the fridge. I was only a few steps down the all when I had a sudden realization.

"TIARA! TIARA!" I called as I ran towards my sister's room. Before I could open her door she stepped out and put her hand out signaling for me to stop. "Lucas is sleeping." She said. I ignored her comment. I had bigger things on my mind.

"Nate kissed me!"I said quieter but still practically shouting. Her eyes got so big they could have popped out of her head. "What!?" She shouted. Lucas whined from inside the room. She stepped stepped out of the room completely and shut the door.

  "So you told him?" She questioned. I shook my head vigorously. She looked at me with a confused expression. "So then if he doesn't know then why'd he kiss you?" She asked. "I don't know!" I yelled. "Does he like you?" She questioned. "I don't know!" I repeated. "Well ask him, is he still here?" She said. I shook my head. "He went out to Chills for dinner." I responded. "Go talk to him." She instructed. "To his face? Are you crazy!?" I yelled. "Yes talk to him." She insisted. "Take moms car." And with that she went back inside her room.

  I sighed and headed back to my room. I decided my sister was right I should talk to Nate. I replaced the sweatpants and old T-shirt I had on with a pair of skinny jeans and a graphic Tee. I threw a jacket on to cover my arms.

  I made my way downstairs. "Mom I'm borrowing the car!" I called to wherever my mom was.  I swiped the keys off the counter. "Drive safe honey!" She called back. I went to slip on a pair of shoes by the door but decided my socks were enough. I hated wearing shoes so I only wore them when I felt it was absolutely necceseray. I was driving so I didn't need shoes on.  I went outside to the car.

Hey u still at dinner?

Yea y

Oh cuz I wanna come say hi to granny Grammy & Grandpa 😊

U want me to get U something we just ordered

No thanks I ate 😊
I'm on my way
I'll be there in a min I borrowed moms car

No texting & driving dummy
You'll get hurt

K I won't 😊

I switched over to me and Tiara's conversation.

I'm scared 😨

Don't be
Pretty sure he likes u if he kissed u
Y didn't u just ask then?

Cuz I was high...
After we kissed I kinda passed out

O my God Jay rly???
Wait u got high & ur driving??
Come back in the house I'll take u
I didn't kno u did drugs I would have never told u to drive!!!

I'm fine I think it wore off
I don't feel anything anymore
& plus I'm already hear

O god Jay don't do that again
I don't wanna have to tell Lucas that his favorite uncle died cuz his dumbass got high and thought it was ok to drive
& text too

I'm Lukey's favorite uncle?😮😄

I mean ur his only uncle...
Tyler's got 2 sisters soand

He calls Nate uncle 😞

Oh well congrats then
Out of u 2 he likes u the best
I guess u do matter to someone 😉😂

I didn't respond I just got out of the car and walked inside the restaurant.

Where r u sitting?

Back by the kitchen next to the windows

I started walking in the direction by the kitchen. When I neared the table, Nate who was enjoying an appetizer stopped and looked up at me. "Jay's here." He said pointing at me. Everyone else who was also eating appetizers stopped and looked up at me.

"Jayson how ya doing kiddo?" Grandpa greeted me. "I'm good grandpa." I responded. "Junior move So I can give Jay a hug." Grandma said as she pushed Nate out of the booth so she could get up. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Hi Grammy" I said hugging her back. She broke the hug and cupped my face with her hands. "Let me look at you." She said brightly. "He looks exactly the same as he did when you saw him two years ago." Nate said in a jealous tone. "No he does not, he grew taller." She paused. "And lost weight." She finished. "Hey I got taller too I grew two inches." Nate said holding up to fingers. "Yeah but I grew four." I bragged. "Shut up I'm still taller than you." Nate mumbled. Grandpa laughed. "These two." He commented resulting in a laugh from the remaining adults. "Here honey come sit next to me and Junior." Grandma offered. "Actully I just need to borrow Nate." I said. I grabbed Nate's hand and pulled him along with me. "I'm coming gosh." Nate said.

I led him back towards the bathrooms "I don't think you need me to go to the bathroom with you anymore." Nate teased, referring to the fact that I used to be scared to use public restrooms by myself. I ignored the joke. "Why did you kiss me?" I asked bluntly when we were standing by the bathrooms. Nate looked down at his feet and shrugged. "Did Tiara tell you I like you?" I asked. He shook his head. "Did Nick tell you?" He shook his head again. "Was it Lucas?" He shook his head a final time.

  "I must've told him earlier when I was high." I thought. "I told you?" I said on the verge of tears.

  "You told me just now..."

"Our friendships over." I thought as tears ran down my face.

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