Chapter Five

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(Nate's P.O.V)

  I was sitting on the ground outside my house smoking my third cigarette of the day. It was close to the time I had to leave to pick up Jay, I knew it was risky smoking this close to meeting him . He hated that I smoked. He's been trying to me to quit two years. I lied and told him I quit eight months ago.

  My dad walked out of the house and we made eye contact as a let a puff of smoke escape my lips. "Nate." He said sternly. I turned away and groaned. " I thought you quit." He said. He walked over and took a seat next to me. "Yeah well they're like the only thing helping me right now." I said before taking another puff. " You go to therapy and take antidepres-" I cut him off. "They don't work!" I shouted. "None of them ever work." I lowered my voice.

"Well if the one's you're on aren't working we can change them." He said keeping an even tone. "There's other options for you." My dad rarley ever raised his voice even in serious times like this. He worked at a school for kids with behavioural problems so he he learned the best way to deal with me was to not yell back. He took the cigarette out of my hand. "How are you getting these anyway?" He asked. "The store up there doesn't card." I responded gesturing up the street. He put the cigarette out on the ground. "We'll talk to your phychiatrist okay?" He ruffled my hair. I pushed his hand away. "I'm going to pick up Jay." I paused and stood up. " I might stay the night at his house." I said. My dad stood up. " It's the weekend I wouldn't expect you to be home." He said.  I chuckled and got in my car.  I often did spend weekends at Jay's house mostly because his cooking was amazing. I stayed at his house in the summer too instead of going with my parents to visit my mom's family.

I took the long way to the school because I knew it would take Jay forever to change after practice. I sat on the hood of the car and watched as kids in sports gear started spilling out of the gym. I checked my phone, it was 7:30, still a little early for Jay to come out. I texted him.

Ur taking to long 😒

Jay Jay
Just gimme 10 mins

I want 2 pans of crab Mac n cheese

Jay Jay
I don't think I have enough noodles for 2 pans tho

2 mins or ur walking.

  Five minutes later Jay came running out of the school. He was still in his practice sweat suit, his hair clung to his forehead from sweat and his breathing was labored. "Jay, practice ended at seven how are you not changed?" I asked annoyed. "I wa-was talk-talking to my friends." He said struggling to breath. "You forgot your inhaler again didn't you?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Jay just nodded. I hopped off the hood of the car and grabbed his spare inhaler and a bottle of water out of my bookbag. If it wasn't for me this kid would be dead. He constantly forgets his inhaler and can never remember what he's allergic too (which is a lot). He needed me around. He needed me almost as much as I needed him.

  After handing him the water and inhaler I pulled him closer to the car so he could sit on the hood. After he regained his ability to breath he spoke. " So you know that kid Jacob on my team?" He asked. " No. Your teammates are all your friends, why would I bother to learn their names." I said harshly. I didn't mean to sound so mean,  I was just jealous Jay made friends with everyone so easily. I used to to be able to make friends like that but it wasn't like that anymore.

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