Chapter Two

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(Jay's P.O.V)

"That's why your my best friend." I replayed those words in my head over and over on my way home. I wish Nate saw me as more then that, I wish he looked at me the way I looked at him.

When I entered my house I slammed the door shut. I went into my kitchen where my mom was sitting at the table flipping through a magazine. "Jay don't slam the door honey you'll break it." She said not looking up. "Sorry." I replied not really meaning it, I didn't even slam the door that hard. "Why do you sound so miserable?" She asked looking up at me. "What do you mean?" I asked taking a seat in the chair besides her. "You sound upset." She said softly. I was upset. I could have told Nate I liked him when I got him from therapy. I had the perfect opportunity but I chickened out, I always did. "I have a headache." I lied. I got up from my seat. "There's Excedrin in the upstairs bathroom." She told me as I walked away.

I walked upstairs to my room and saw my nephew jumpping on my bed. When he saw me he stopped jumping and pointed a finger gun at me. I threw my hands up in pretend surrender. "Bang! Bang!" He exclaimed. "Why'd you shoot me if I had my hands up?" I questioned. "Cuz I felt like it." He said unapologetically. "Bang! Bang!" He shouted again as I walked towards me bed. "Hey how come you not dead yet I shot you." He whined. "I gotta bulletproof vest on." I said. I plopped down on my bed on my back. "I don't see one." He said crossing his arms. "It's under my shirt." I said teasingly. He lifted up my shirt and stared at my stomach. I quickly pulled my shirt down.

"You don't have one you liar!" He shouted at me. "Well I bet you don't have one on either." I said. "So?" He asked confused. "Bang! Bang!" I shouted poking him in his stomach. "Hey I'm just a litlle kid you can't shoot little kids!" He whined. "Your going to jail for that uncle Jay." He threatened. "But you shot me first so that's self defense." I said  nonchalantly. "It's almost your bed time anyway what are you doing playing guns?" I questioned. His bed time was nearing and he was still fully dressed when he should have been in his pajamas winding down. "Mommy said I could. She said I could do whatever in here so I wouldn't bother her when she's doing homework." He said. I decided to take things upon myself since my sister was busy. " Well why don't you start getting ready for bed its late." I said. "Ugh fine." He said disappointed that playtime was ending. He hopped off My bed. "Goodnight uncle Jay." He said as he walked out. "Goodnight Lucas!" I called after him.

I decided it was time for me to get into my pajamas too. I peeled off my clothes and threw on and oversized long sleeved shirt and pajama pants. It was April and it was starting to get warm but I wanted every inch of my body covered. I didn't want anyone seeing how skinny I got. Interestingly enough, the over sized clothes I wear to bed used to fit me perfectly. I'd lost so much weight I could only fit half of my wardrobe.

I crawled into bed and put my phone on the charger. There was a knock on my door. "Lucas?" I called. "Nope just me." My sister replied. She opened my door and walked in. "By the look on your face I take it it didn't go well with Nate." She said sitting on my bed. I told her that I was going to confess to Nate today when I walked him home from therapy. "I chickened out." I said sadly. "Jay really?" She asked. I pulled my blanket over my head. "It's hard telling your best friend your in love with him." I complained. "And he's got the perfect boyfriend. I can't confess to him he'd never leave Ryan for me." I whined. "But you guys have been best friends since the womb, Ryan's just some kid he met a year ago. Your a much better match for him." I rolled my eyes but she couldn't see me. "Doesn't change the fact that he's better looking then me nor the fact that him and Nate have more in common anyway." Before my sister had a chance to respond my phone rang. I sat up and answered it.

"Hey." I answered. "Who's that?" My sister asked. She was always so nosey. "It's Rachel." I mouthed back. "Who's that babe?" Rachel asked me. "Nobody just Tiara." I responded. "Oh, ok well I was just calling to ask if you turned in my paper like I asked you too." She said. "Yeah I remembered." I said dryly. "What the doctor say about your ankle?" I asked. "It's not broken just fractured so it's as bad as I thought." She said. I hummed in response. "Well I'll let you finish talking to your sister I just wanted to know if you did what I asked." She said. "Love you." She chirped. "Love you too." I responded less than enthusiasticaly and hung up. I did love her so little bit so I wasn't lying but my feelings for Nate kept getting increasingly stronger I was getting less and less romantically interested in Rachel.

"So Jay when I said to go ahead and confess to Nate I thought it was implied that you break up with Rachel first." Tiara said. " I was gonna break up with her if Nate felt the same way." I explained. She shook her head. I turned my attention to stalking Ryan's Instagram. I got some notifications that he posted. I stared at a selfie he posted then I looked at myself in the hand mirror I kept on my nightstand. "Nate's never leaving him for me." I thought 

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