Chapter Ten

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(Jay's P.O.V)

(A/N I said in the description that there were homophobic characters in this story so fair warning they get some lines in this chapter (homophobic slurs/insults)

"We aren't that late!" I called to Nate who was rushing in the hallways, I was desperately trying to keep up with him but it was no use so I gave up. I had to go to my locker anyway.

  I waved to my friends Marcus and Brian whoes lockers were located next to mine. "You coming to Jacob's house Saturday?" Brian asked me. "Can't. I'm going with Nate to Florida." I said opening my locker and collecting my things. "Nate?" Marcus asked disgusted. Marcus hated Nate which was weird because they used to be close in middle school, so close I got a little jealous of their friendship. Nate and I even had a big fight over it, but they grew apart and I never found out why.

"What you going to Florida with that faggot for?" Marcus spat. "Can you not use that word?" I asked. "What, 'faggot'?"Brian joked. "Yes that word." I said. Brian and Marcus just laughed. "It's a mean word!" I exclaimed unintentionally sounding childlike. "It's a mean word." Brian mocked me. " You sound like a bitch, Jay." He said. Him and Marcus laughed again. I felt defeated.

"Ya know, first period I heard that Amber chick say that Ryan and Nate broke up this morning." Brian said. "How she know if it just happened this morning?" Marcus asked skeptical. "I dunno man I guess he told her after it happened." Brian answered. "So Jay you might wanna be careful when you go to Florida." Brian continued, snickering. "Careful of what?" I asked. "He might try to rape you since he's not with that twink anymore." He said laughing. Marcus joined him. "Guys that's not funny." I said slamimg my locker shut.

"Yeah whatever but you're really gonna miss a hell of a party." Marcus said. "I'll be at the next one." I said. My teammates had a lot of parties, I went to most of them but Nate didn't like me going because Marcus and Brian always pressured me to drink.

"I'm having one next Friday after the game." Brian stated. "Yeah cool I'll be there." I said not really knowing whether or not I was going to go. "I gotta go guys." I said walking away.


"Nate told me." Cece said when I took my seat. She gave me a knowing look. "She forced it out of me." Nate said."She told me she could sense it."Nate shook his head. "Guys hold hands!" She squealed. She took our hands and tried to force them together across our desks. "Hold hands hold hands." She repeated laughing. Nate managed to shake his hand from her grip, resulting in her letting go of me.

  "Here, happy?" Nate said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "I'm satisfied." Cece said Jokingly. "You're annoting, do your work." Nate ordered Cece. Nate kept our fingers intertwined as he completed his worksheet.

My hand started to sweat from nervousness so I pulled it away. Nate gave me a disappointed look. "I need to write." I said.
At lunch I sat and watched Nick and Cece devoured their food. I had long since finish my small salad that I had Nate bring me from Wendy's. In a matter of minutes Rachel would be here and I'd have to find a way to break up with her without hurting her too much. "What if she cries?" I thought.

Nick called my name, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I responded. He pointed at the doors on the far end of the cafeteria where Rachel was walking in while chatting with her friend. She looked in my direction and waved sweetly at me. I gave a small wave back.

  "Nervous?" Cece asked me. "Terified." I responded. "I don't think I can do it. I don't even know how to tell her." I whined. "C'mon it can't be that bad." Nick said, failing to reassure me. "Just tell her the truth, you met someone else. Or you could tell her your interested in guys." Cece said simply. "I can't tell her I like guys, she'll tell her friends that's why we broke up and they'll tell everyone. I wanna come out on my own." I explained. "Can't I just tell her I cheated on her so she'll dump me instead." I whined. "No 'cuz then you'll look like a jerk." Cece said.

  "Well I did cheat on her." I said truthfully. "Whatever you're gonna say, figure it out 'cuz here she comes." Nick interjected guestering to Rachel who was walking towards our table.

  "Hey Rach, how's your ankle?" I asked when she approached. "Ehh it's pretty good right now." She responded. She waved at Nick and Cece. "Where's your other friend, Nate?" She asked taking a seat next to me. "He had lunch last period." I answered not facing her. I'd been avoiding Rachel all day, making sure to get to class quickly as to not run into her.

  Nothing was said by anyone for a while. Then Rachel slipped her hand into mine. My heart started pounding and I pulled my hand away. "Rachel I need to talk to you." I rushed. "Okay...?" She said in a confused tone. I stood up from the table and  motioned for Rachel to follow me. I led her outside a set of cafeteria doors into the quieter hallway.

  "You okay babe?" She voiced concerned.  "There's something I need to tell you." I said looking at the ground. I took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not sure how to say this..."I said. I was about to go on when Rachel spoke. "You don't have to tell me, you seem really stressed about it just tell me later." She said. She placed a hand on my shoulder.

  "No, I have to tell you now or I'll never be able to." I explained.  I removed her hand from my shoulder and looked at her. "I think we should break up." I said nervously. She just smiled which left me confused. "We don't need to break up." She said calmly. "Yeah we do..." I said. "If there's something you wanna talk about we can talk about it but we don't need to break up because something upsets you." She said sternly. She turned around and started walking back into the cafeteria.

  "Rachel!" I called grabbing her wrist. "What Jay?" She answered. I let go of her. " I-I uh.. I'm-I." I was stuttering too much so I stared over. "I like someone else, that's why I want to break up. I'm sorry." I finally managed to get out. It wasn't exactly how I wanted to say it but I said what I needed to say in the nicest way I could manage.

  Rachel said nothing and just walked back into the cafeteria. "At least she didn't cry." I said to myself. I made my way back inside the cafeteria and saw that Nate took my place at the table with Nick and Cece. "How'd you get here?" I asked Nate when I reached the table. He flashed me a bathroom pass.

  "She looked really mad." Nick commented. " I should have said it differently." I said sadly. "Aw man don't worry about it." Nick said. Nate grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. "You guys wanna cut and go to the mall"? He asked.

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