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   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the family screamed. Paul giggled and looked in amazement at the cake twice his size.

It was January 18th, and Paul Griffin had lived in the world for exactly 1 year now. The way time flies is just amazing when you're having fun. The year had seemed like a couple of days to the family.

   Anne helped mom set up the table, and then Noel(mom) cut the cake. There was one small piece for Paul but he quickly ate it and got some more. It was not a big booming party with lots of people there, just the family. But that didn't matter, because as long as the family was together, they were happy.

   After some cake, they played some games, had a delicious dinner, and then everyone settled down and eventually made their way to their bedrooms. Paul was brought into his room and was set into his crib by his dad and then Langston (father) spun the mobile with animals on it that they had bought on Paul's first time at the Zoo. In the center of the mobile was a beautiful blue butterfly.


Short chapters sorry but im not a good writer.

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