4) He Makes Me So.....

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Previously on My Angel:

'At this moment I am not thinking about how to get rid of him and stopping myself from ruining  his life. I  am worrying about what will happen when this moment ends. I feel normal right now and I don't want it to end. I feel safe with Ashton. I haven't felt like this in a long time.

I like this feeling that I have right now and I don't ever want it to end. '

Currently on My Angel-

That day they weren't waiting. So Ashton basically wasted his time but he said it was worth it. 

"I made a new friend and that made it worth my time." He said as we reached my doorstep. He bid me a goodbye and honestly I think my heart skipped a beat when he leaned down to give me a hug. 

Two days later I am here reminiscing about how he walked me home for the past three days and hugged me at the end . Sometimes I would forget about everything that was bad in the world and I would be able to focus on all of the wonderful things. Like Ashton. Ashton was definitely a good thing. A very good thing that I didn't want to go away.  

Also the fact that Calum hasn't tried to talk to me and was slowly making other friends was good. He doesn't need to be seen with me. He doesn't deserve to be ignored by everyone and harassed because of me. He'll live a normal life and everything will be okay.

It's the end of the day and I am waiting by the back doors for Ashton to come and meet me like usual and honestly I am getting a little impatient. I've been standing here for the past fifteen minutes and he still hasn't showed.  I guess he had something to do.He probably got held back in class.

'Or he has finally realized how worthless you are and is going to avoid you forever.' The voices taunt. 'He never really cared about you, it was probably all part of some dare.'                                                 'No one would care about you, you are fucking useless and don't you ever forget it bitch. All you are is a damn whore that doesn't deserve to be fucking breathing right now.'

Oh boy don't they know just how to make me feel special. I don't want to hear them.

'Why won't they go away? Why won't they stop saying those things? Why do they do this?' I deserve it that's why. I'm so fucking stupid. I actually thought Ashton would be my friend. I actually thought someone like him would ever stick around for someone as pathetic as me. The only reason he talked to me in the first place was because he pitied me. Just another pathetic and lonely girl , that's all I am to him.

Without meaning to my body carries me towards Ashton's locker , which by the way was all the way across campus.  I stare at my feet as I walk and I let the voices take over my mind. Might as well let them get it all out now so they don't try to when I'm with Ashton.

'Worthless!' 'Bitch.' 'Whore!' Pathetic loser.' ' Useless asshole.' Waste of space!' They shout out knowing just what to say to me. 

 I come to the corner where you have to turn down the hall to his locker when I stop. I hear grunting noises and the faint sound of someone being kicked and the sounds of the lockers having shoved something against it...hardly. What's going one? I hope it isn't Ashton. I slowly peek my head around the corner hoping not to be seen by the attackers. 

"You shouldn't be hanging around with sluts like her. You deserve this for trying to stick up for her. Whores like her deserve shit like this." Someone says and I recognize him as one of the people that assaulted me a few days ago. Why is he saying that? Who is it they are hurting. He moves his body a little to kick the person in the ribs and I see him. I see Ashton on the floor with his arms in from of his face. Dirty blonde hair being pulled and his abdomen being kicked, he needs to fight back.

My Angel (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now