[Chapter 1]

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The sound of an alarm ringing beside Max's bed awoke the black haired 16 year old. He groaned loudly and sat up, rubbing his tired, blue-green eyes. Another shitty day of school, fucking great. He turned off the alarm with a slam and slowly lifted his stiff body off his rock-like bed and stretched out, staring at himself in the mirror. As usual he looked a mess. His fluffy hair was all over the place and full of knots . His eyes were dark due to how he stayed up until 4am watching scary videos of people being chased by serial killers, it was all a prank though and even if it wasn't he wouldn't have been scared by it. Max slowly walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a blue tank top, black hoodie with white writing on the back that said 'bad boy' and ripped jeans. He slipped them on quickly and put his single ear piercing in before slowly opening his door, the creaking sound it made made him flinch. He was expecting his dad to walk up the stairs to yell at him and probably slap him but not today, obviously he was at work. Thank fuck.

Max walked sluggishly downstairs and into the kitchen to find a note on the fridge:

I expect to see the dishes cleaned and put away properly when I get back and if they aren't you'll be punished

Max read the note before ripping it off the fridge and throwing it in the bin. He was usually forced to do shit like this, as much as he couldn't be asked to do such shitty tasks that his dad could easily do he didn't want more bruises and hand marks across his face. After all, it did ruin his appearance. He walked to the sink and started to wash up the large pile of dishes that were on the counter beside him. When his mom was around she would do all of this and if she needed help she would've asked Max politely. He missed her a lot.

Max's mom died when he was 9 after a car crash. Before then his family had been pretty stable but after she passed Max's dad became overcome with grief. He started to drink and became kinda lazy, the only thing productive he did was work every day apart from Saturdays. Each day he would hit Max and call him horrible things. The thought brought a tear to Max's eyes but he held it back. Once the dishes were done he put them away and grabbed his school bag, by the time he had finished washing up it was time to head to school anyways. He couldn't afford a bus pass so he always had to make a 30 minute journey to school, it wasn't that bad but it was still walking. He'd rather be driven by an old guy with no life than walk. He plugged his earphones into his phone and put on his usual playlist before making his way outside and on his way to hell. As usual, he didn't eat but he wasn't hungry anyways.

When he was ten minutes away from school he felt his phone vibrate, he pulled it out of his pocket to read it.

Totallyafurry: Guys I'm playing a basketball match at lunch it would be super lit if you joined!!!!
PepsiMax: Nikki for fucks sake don't say lit
Totallyafurry: What's wrong with it? You used to say it all the time ;))
PepsiMax: shut up
Totallyafurry: >:3 Anyways is that a yes or a no Mr.Grumpy-pants?
PepsiMax: Yeah sure when is it?
Totallyafurry: after school in the main hall
Totallyafurry: NEIL I SEE YOU STALKING :0
NeilNyeScienceGuy: dammit Nikki, anyways I can't come because I have science club.
PepsiMax: and by that you mean a date with Harrison
Totallyafurry: ADMIT IT NEIL YOU LIKE HIM!!!!!
NeilNyeScienceGuy: NIKKI IM NOT GAY!!!
[Totallyafurry changed NeilNyeScienceGuy's name to NeilNyeScienceGay]
NeilNyeScienceGay: NIKKI FOR FUCKS SAKE!! 😡

Max chuckled as the two argued over if Neil was gay or not before realising he was near the school gates. He made sure his sleeves were covering his arms and he ran a hand through his still kinda messy hair before entering. The halls were full of loud and annoying students, crowding around their lockers and putting stuff in them. Max passed bullies, 'cool kids', couples making out and of course the really annoying nerds before reaching his locker and practically shoving a nerd out of the way. To be honest, Max didn't know where he was on the student ranking system. He was definitely not a nerd. Sometimes he was feared as a cool kid but he doesn't really like being called one, after all cool kids were assholes who show off all the time and if you don't treat them like royalty then good luck escaping a fight. He pulled out the books he needed for the morning before hearing his name called, a second later he was almost tackled to the ground.

"HEYY MAX!!" Nikki yelled as he wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "AW MAN I am so pumped for today!! The basketball match is going to be AWESOME!!" She punched Max gently as she cheered.

Max laughed half-heartedly at her. As usual, the green-haired girl was hyper and obsessing over her sports. Max had lost count over how many clubs she had actually joined that were related to sport, he guessed her love for adventuring had turned into this. She wore a yellow tank top with a brown bear footprint on the front, three-quarter length jeans, red converse and he hair was in the classic messy bunches. "What shitty team are you playing today?" He asked, pretending to be interested. He only wanted to go to the match to escape his dad a bit longer.

Nikki began to ramble on until Neil walked over. "Heya Neil!" She yelled. "Have you-"

"Mention Harrison one more time and I swear to god I will hit you!" Neil yelled. Throughout the years Neil had remained... Neil. He was still the skinny science nerd that was usually picked on by other kids, the only thing that had change was how he now had glasses. He wore a dark blue shirt with elements symbols on, brown pants and black shoes. "I'm not gay and I never will be gay!"

Max listened as Nikki continued to taunt Neil until he saw Harrison, Nerris and Preston walking down the hall. "Hey talk of the boyfriend!" He grabbed Neil's arm and pointed at Harrison.

Neil clearly flinched and was going to yell but the bell cut him off. "I honestly hate both of you!" He muttered before stomping off.

Nikki broke out into laughter. "W-Wait Neil! We have maths together!!" She called and sprinted over to him, not even waving goodbye to Max.

Max rolled his eyes and watched the other group of three break apart, Nerris and Harrison heading off down another hall. Max remembered how he had Preston in his next lesson, great. He just slowly made his way down the hall way, pretending to not pay attention to him but when he heard his footsteps going in the opposite direction he looked over. Max tilted his head, you couldn't get to class from that way.

Max looked around before slowly following. He didn't like Preston that much, he was too loud and dramatic for him but in maths Max relied on him to provide him answers. The taller nerd did sit in front of him after all. Max soon saw him enter the toilets, he tilted his head. As his curiosity increased, he entered.
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Whoosh I can't write but I needed to write about my lowkey otp

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