[Chapter 7]

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The next day it was bucketing it down with rain. It wasn't a bad thing as Max liked the rain, it made everything gloomier which was how he liked it. However the rain wasn't predicted to hit the part of the country he lived in so many unprepared girls turned up to school with hair frizzed up and soaked, Nikki was one of those girls but she wasn't bothered which was not a surprise. He watched the rain lash against the window while his lame ass chemistry teacher rambled on about the periodic table. Neil sat beside him, Max would've loved to talk to him instead of sitting there in silence but as usual the science nerd was persistent in not socialising in this lesson even though he probably knew all of this shit anyways. Max's gaze flicked towards the front of the class where Preston sat with Harrison, Nerris was sitting next to another girl on the table beside. All of them were having an interesting, quiet conversation while he had to just suffer in a bored silence.

So far he hadn't talked to Preston that day. Max had small red marks on his face after the abuse from the previous night. When anyone asked how he got them he said he walked into a door, which was believable as they weren't exactly hand shaped marks, but if Preston saw him like that he'd immediately know the real reason. He sighed, Max knew that Preston could be trusted to talk to but he didn't want to tell him about the hell he was in.

"Something wrong Max?" Neil asked, his slightly concerned voice pulling Max out of his thoughts.

"Oh uh yeah I'm good, why do you ask?" He responded, looking over at him. Wow he talked in a science lesson, that's a first.

Neil shrugged. "Well you did just let out quite a sad sounding sigh and I was just wondering if you were okay! Pretty sure that's what friends do." He told him, rolling his eyes.

Max chuckled. "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about shit that's happened in the last couple of days." He told him. "Nothing to worry about."

Neil nodded and fell silent again as his attention went back to the teacher who was still talking pure nonsense to Max. Well there went his only socialisation.

Soon the lesson ended and Max quickly got out of the class before Preston could make any attempt to talk to him, until the marks faded he wanted to avoid him as much as possible. He was aware that that probably seemed rude but he didn't want him to worry about him. He had to admit that he cared about him. Max never cared for anyone.

He slowly walked to his next lesson which was English but was stopped when he was pushed into a locker. "Watch out Max! You've already been hit by some sort of door already!" The easily recognisable voice spoke. Nurf.

Max pushed himself away from the locker and turned to glare at the largely built, slightly taller bully with an angered glare. "What the fuck do you want, Gaylord." He snapped back at him, knowing he didn't like it when people called him that. A couple of boys spectating made 'ooo' noises.

Nurf was clearly angered by Max's words as his fists clenched. "What the fuck did you call me you little rat? I thought there was a policy in place that says no one calls me that apart from my mom!" He yelled.

Max smirked smugly. "What is that because she's gay like you?" He asked in a mocking tone, standing on his tiptoes in an attempt to match Nurfs height.

Nurf was literally turning red with anger. "What did you fucking say!? NO ONE TALKS SHIT ABOUT MY MOM!" He shouted, grabbing Max's hoodie collar and lifting him up with ease while his other large fist raised.

Max went to talk again but a loud yell from behind Nurf made him stop. Nikki leapt on the bully and wrapped her arms around his short neck, causing Nurf to gag slightly and drop Max. "Quick run while I still have him!" She shouted.

Max rolled his eyes and adjusted the position of his bag before running off to English, he'd have to thank Nikki for that later on. When he got to English he was a couple of minutes late but the teacher excused him, unfortunately his usual seat was taken by a bunch of popular girls casually applying bright red lipstick without the teachers noticing. He groaned and scanned the slightly loud class for a spare seat, the only one being next to Nerris. Not bad but he would've preferred to be sat in his normal seat. "Hey Nerris mind if I sit here?" He asked, walking over and putting his hand on the spare chair.

Nerris looked up. "Yeah go ahead." She told him, smiling slightly at him.

Max sat down beside her and as her gaze was off his he noticed how she seemed to be holding back a laugh. Max tilted his head but just let it slide, he didn't want to get into anymore drama. The lesson consisted of reading this one poem but once they managed to get into an activity where they could talk Nerris immediately started to talk as soon as the teacher allowed them to.

"Hey Max, I've heard that you and Preston are getting close?" She leant over, whispering the question slightly.

Max looked over. "Uhh... in what way? Because it's in a friendly way, no love or romantic crap involved because I'm not gay!" He told her sternly. "Plus I wouldn't go out with Preston anyways he's too... I don't know he's just not the kind of person I'd be with." He told her, folding his arms. "Why do you ask?"

Nerris shrugged. "Oh Preston kept staring at you with a dreamy expression in the last lesson. Me and Harrison kept having to snap him back to our conversation!" She told him with a chuckle. "I think he has a little crush~!"

Max's cheeks reddened and he looked down at the desk. He refused to believe what Nerris just said. Him and Preston hadn't been hanging out for that long and already he had a supposed crush? Was Preston questioning his sexuality as well? Max didn't want to break his heart in case he did decide to make moves on him because he only saw him as a friend. "Why though? Also are you sure it was me he was looking at?" He asked

Nerris shrugged again. "Well I doubt it was Neil as everyone knows his ass is Harrison's so I'm guessing it's you? Also I don't know why, did you send him a text or photo that has caused him to be this way because before lesson he was staring at something with a lovestruck face." She told him.

Max thought for a moment before shaking his head. "We were texting but nothing was sent by me that would make him have anime nose bleeds over 'me'!" He spoke very sternly. "He did start to follow me on Instagram last night. I don't post many selfies on there, mostly photos of rain and dark shit."

Nerris nodded. "I'll find out what it is, then we can do-"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but don't be too pressurising on him! He's having a tough-"

"Oh I know, don't worry about a thing Max!"

Max smiled, but couldn't help but worry. This was going to be difficult.
- - - - -
My ability to write is getting worse and worse whoops.
Also summer break FINALLY started so updates should be more frequent

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