[Chapter 4]

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Not surprisingly, the rest of the day was shit. Geography was so boring he was on the verge of backflipping out of the window, English was the lesson where he sat in between two popular girls and PE involved too much exercise for him. As he stepped out of the changing rooms, hair slightly damp because of how much he was sweating, the bell rang and it wasn't long before the corridor was full of students rushing to escape hell. He spotted Nikki with a bunch of other girls entering the girls changing room and he guessed they were getting ready for the match. Usually Max didn't watch this stuff because he wasn't invited but because this time he was invited he took the opportunity, any excuse to not see his dad for a couple more hours was perfect.

He quickly walked to his locker and put his PE kit inside before making his way down to the hall where the game was being played, already a few students and parents were inside. Max made his way right to the back where everyone avoided sitting as it had crap views but he liked it there so it was all okay. He watched as the seats filled up more, music started to play loudly and the school mascot did some weird dancing to entertain the spectators while they awaited the team's arrival. In the end, Neil didn't join them as he did honestly have science club. It was a shame that he wasn't here as Max looked like an edgy emo kid sitting alone at the back, wearing mainly black and having bags under his eyes. He didn't care anyways to be honest.

Soon the teams came out and he spotted Nikki amongst the girls wearing green kit. Well it wasn't hard to spot her, after all she did have vibrant green hair. She gave him a quick and rather excited wave and he waved back to be polite. After a bunch of handshakes, team huddles and yelling the game started. Max partially watched it but wasn't that interested as he wasn't a sporty person and didn't even know the rules of the game, he just cheered or booed along with the crowd and occasionally cheered at Nikki. Soon it was half time and the teams went off for a break as did a few of the watchers who had gone to buy some food. Honestly, he was hungry but he didn't have any money. He pulled out his phone and started to play some of his games on there but soon stopped when he heard someone call his name.


Preston had just finished his drama club where he had proposed his latest play idea to the group, a rewrite of his older play Romeo And Juliet 2: Love Resurrected, and all of them seemed to like it. He had made multiple changes such as not including robots and trying to keep it as less 'idiotic' as possible, at least this one wouldn't be ruined by a certain boy.

He was still kinda down about what had happened between him and Max earlier, now he knew he didn't feel as confident in himself anymore which was a bad thing for him. He wanted to talk to Max about it all, without yelling and panicking, just so he knew how to treat him now. After all Max could be one of those kids.

He walked along the corridors as he tried to find his way out of the school but stopped when he heard cheering, he guessed there was some sort of match on. Preston classed himself as negative sporty but his curiosity made him peak into the hall just to check the score, smiling as he saw that their school was way in the lead. He glanced at the audience and spotted the one person he wanted to see, Max. A small smile came to his face as he entered the hall and made his way up the stairs to where the dark-haired boy sat on his phone. "Max!" He called over.

Max was clearly in shock as his name was called seeing how he almost dropped his phone. "JESUS WHAT- Oh it's just You Preston..." he gasped at first but as he realised he sighed with relief. "You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!!"

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