The next day:
.:Bree P.O.V:.
I sat with Bahja and the twins in the waiting room for that punk Chresanto. The kids were in the playing area, clueless as to why we are here.
For some reason, I'm actually quite nervous for this. Wait! why should I be nervous when I already know the outcome of the tests. Regardless of how much he denies it, these babies are his. No doubt about that shit! Now that he got another hoe he wants to deny his biological children. That got me heated!
He finally showed up with that...thing. I'm actually happy she's here so I can see the look on that bitch's face. (Evil Laugh) This is gonna be fun.
Chres: -scratches his head- So we're here because...?
Bahja: Nigga don't play dumb. Don't you know I'm carrying a switchblade?
Chres: Uh...Um
Bre: Hey slut bag
Kimorah: Hi hoe
Chres: Can we just get this over with? Damn!
DNA Operator: Will you, Mr.August, follow me into the back room?
Chresanto got up and followed the lady. We all sat in peace until Kimorah had to say some slick shit out of her mouth...
Kimorah: (mumbles) Thirsty hoes these days. (SMH)
Bre: Bitch I cant hear your ass! Speak up thot.
Bahja: Do you want me to shank ya ass!?
Chresanto and the lady finally came.back. He looked like he been crying because had tear.stains streaming. He just lazily grabbed Kimorah and they left.
Chresanto POV
T-the kids are m-mines! Now I feel like a fucking DEAD BEAT FATHER. The grew up WITHOUT A FATHER FIGURE IN THEIR LIFE! All because.of ME!
Short chapter lil daddy....