Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV

I stared at the white ceiling of my room, thinking what should I do today. Most people my age would plan with their friends where and when they should hangout to meet each other. Well in my case, that is out of my list as I have no friends except one, Park Jimin. His family is friends with my family and so we've been seeing each other since we barely started talking. Jimin is the opposite of me, always so cheerful and friendly while I can't even look at a stranger for more than 3 seconds. No exaggeration there.

"Hey Tae!! What should we do today?" The door to my room burst open.

I sighed. Have I told you that Jimin is annoying as well?

"Tae! Answer me! We could eat ice cream? Or go shopping? It's been a while since I-"

"Jimin" I cut him off

"What? You don't like the idea? Then we could just-"

"Jimin!", I had to cut him off again, "Stop blabbering. I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. Now leave me alone"

"Taeeee", he whined like the child he is, "I wanted to do something fun with you. Why do you always ruin it?" he pouted

I sighed again, "Jimin, it's not that I don't want to hangout with you. It's just I don't like going out of my room and you know that" I turned my head and looked at him.

"I know, but you can't stay in your room forever. You need to get out, breath the fresh air, Tae!" Jimin continued to persuade me.

I sat up and looked at him, "Fine but this is the last time I'll be shopping with you."

He cheered and started going through my closet, "Hmm, you really do need more clothes, Taehyung, all that you have is just so boring."

He, all of a sudden, threw my black ripped jeans and full sleeve white shirt on my face.

"You could give it to me nicely," I grumbled and started taking off my shirt.

Jimin turned around and saw what I was doing, "You could ask me to leave," he said mimicking my voice.

He went out and slammed the door as I rolled my eyes. After I changed, I went out of my room to find Jimin eating my last piece of pizza.

"Jimin! You fucker! Get away from my pizza!" I ran like my life depended on it and snatched the half-eaten pizza.

Jimin who had wide eyes from the action said, "Dude, what the hell? It's just pizza."

"Just pizza?! I can't let my last piece of pizza that I had saved for myself get eaten by you!", I yelled as I tried catching my breath from running.

Jimin held both of his hands up in the air, "Alright, have that damn piece of pizza. I don't want it anymore." as he went to the washroom to wash his hands.

I stared at the half-eaten pizza, since Jimin had taken a bite of it, his saliva was most probably on it. "Whatever, I'm not gonna have a half-eaten pizza which was bit by you", I left the pizza on the plate.

Jimin stared at me like I killed someone, "Dude, are you serious? I was gonna have that pizza then you snatched it from me so I washed my hands. Now you're giving it back?"

"Well, yea. You can eat the rest of it." I said as I got up to wear my shoes.

"I just washed my hands, if I eat this, I'll have to wash my hands again." Jimin stated like I didn't know that.

"I know, so?" I asked while raising one of my eyebrows up.

"That's too much work, you could have told me to finish the damn pizza before I washed my hands," he grumbled while he put back the half-eaten pizza into the fridge.

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