✿7✿ Like a Prison

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Chapter Seven

Like a Prison


The camp counselors were not happy by my recent stunt. After returning back to this hellhole-of-a-campsite, I was called into the office, where David was apparently waiting for me.

Not only him, but I saw Spencer and that one woman (whom I had seen from the restaurant window earlier today) there as well.

Turned out, that woman’s name was Annika. She was had short blonde hair that stopped at her chin, and pale blue eyes that barely glimmered beneath the lighting. She was short and moderately sized, but she looked gorgeous.

“So Scarlett,” David started, once I was seated in front of his desk.

“Yeah?” I said.

“I hope you’ve realized by now that escaping is not acceptable here.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that when I saw Annika loitering in front of that one restaurant I was eating at.”

Annika blushed. “I wasn’t loitering,” she said. “You must’ve mistaken my actions.”

C’est possible,” I said.

“I’m guessing you’re saying ‘it’s possible’?”

I grinned. “Nice to know that some people can actually guess the meanings of a language correctly.”

“I’m currently taking French at the college I’m attending.”

“Ah, cool. Une étudiante française.

Oui. Are you French, Scarlett?”


“Alright, no more side talk,” David snapped. He had been pacing back and forth behind his desk, his hands to his back. Now, he was glaring at me. “Don’t you ever dare try to run away from us again. I don’t want to have to call your parents and tell them that you’ve gone missing or something, you hear me?”

“Yes,” I sighed.

“Good. You have no idea how worried we were when Spencer noticed your disappearance…”

I mentally groaned. Ugh, of course it would be Spencer who had notified them of my disappearance. He’s the only counselor that knows me.

Note to self: avoid him. Avoid him like the plague.

“Oh, lucky me,” I muttered.

“Yes. Very much lucky you,” David said. “Do you know how dangerous it is to wander out there without adult supervision?”

“I’m seventeen. I’m not a child anymore.”

“But you surely are acting like one!”

“Look, is it possible if I could somehow withdraw myself from here, because it wasn’t even my idea to join in the first place.”

“No. Your parents have to be the one to withdraw you, unless you’re eighteen.”

Or you’re only saying that because if I dropped out now, then you’d lose the money you could’ve earned from me.” I smirked.

David turned red. Ha! I got him! I knew that was what he had in mind!

“Alright, here’s what’s going to happen for the next few days—or weeks, depending on your behavior,” David snapped, without responding to my comment. “You’re to always have someone with you. According to team assignments, you’re a part of Team Amsinckia. That’s led on by Spencer. Then, at night, when you need to use the restroom, you’re to be escorted by Annika here, so that any attempted escapades will be put to an end before it even begins, okay?”

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