Swift darkeness: chapter 4

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Ed was leaving next week so he wouldn't be with me for the meeting, and I was scared of facing it alone. I've never been in this part of the city, and after doing more research I discovered it wasn't a cafe I was going to, I was going to a bar. Ed says he's been to this bad and it's not much, it's actually quiet considering its location in the outer part of the city.

"Don't worry," Ed says while trying to calm me, "it's going to be fine. Don't be so worried. Just don't drink and you'll be fine." I've never been to a real bar before, so I was worried.

Ed and I didn't do much else that day but watch a few movies. We listened to the drum of rain on the window and pounding thunder outside, but soon enough my power went out.

"Ed, are you here?"

"I'm right here."

I had Meredith and Olivia with me, Olivia sitting in my lap. Before I could do anything, Meredith pounced onto something on the ground. I figured it was a mouse she saw, but then turned on the flashlight featured on my phone.

Meredith was clawing at the air, and nothing more.

"Ed, can you see what I see," I question him.

"It's fine, cats do it all the time."

"Not Meredith. Meredith never does thi-" but I was cut off by lighting that illuminated the dark room.

Everyone saw it.

In the corner of the room, close to where Meredith was, a man stood staring at us. He had a gruesome scowl and gray disappearing hair. His clothing was a dirty white shirt under a pair of overalls, but on too of it all, something like blood. It was a dark red color I've never seen before.

When the lighting went away the power came back on almost right away and the man was gone.

"That's it," Ed exclaims, "I'm going to call the police."

"Ed." I gently touch his forearm and pull him closer to me. "What would we tell them? Somebody was here but disappeared when the power came on?" Ed looks at me expectantly, but I'm not sure what he's expecting. "The man was there one second and disappeared completely the next. They wouldn't believe us."

"He was covered in what seemed like blood, Taylor. We have to call the police."

I sound desperate, but I know they wouldn't believe us so I keep arguing. "I'll leave the apartment tonight and come back after the meeting, is that okay? I'll go to the other one in NewYork. Would that make you feel better?" Ed nods his head, obviously glad I won't be here.

"When will you leave? Could you go now?" I say yes and ask him to help me find the two carriers for the cats, because I obviously can't leave them here.

"Taylor, you can't stay here."

"I know Ed."

We put the cats in the carriers and I call a cab. Ed and I drive to my apartment and I go to bed, it's already eleven o'clock when Ed leaves.

The man haunts the back of my mind as I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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