flowers & matt » matt espinosa

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"What do you mean it's not there?" I asked frustratedly, tugging my hair.

"I'm sorry Ms. Y/N, but it's says you have no money in this account." the woman standing behind the desk said. She gave me a sympathetic look, as I tugged at my hair even more.

"Alright, okay, whatever." I mumbled.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" she asked.

"No." I snapped. I didn't mean to come off as rude, but when five thousand dollars that you'd put in the bank isn't there, you wouldn't exactly come off as happy.

I began storming out of the bank, pissed out of my mind when I bumped into a boy around my age coming in.

"Sorry." I grumbled, shoving past him.

I got to my car, sticking the keys in the ignition, only to have the engine start and then die.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I muttered.

"Ugh!" I punched the steering wheel, surprised that the airbag didn't come out and whack me in the face.

I searched my purse for my phone, and screamed when I saw that it had died.

Of course.

I had a broken car and a dead phone. I was also broke and wanted to be dead.

I stepped out of my car, slamming the door shut as I headed back up to the bank to use the telephone inside. I saw there were already two people waiting for it, so I decided to sit on the curb and wait.

What a god awful day.

Just as I was standing up to go use the phone, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I spun around and locked eyes with the boy I'd ran into on my way out of the bank. I suddenly felt bad for being a bitch to him. He was actually kinda cute.

"Uhm, hi." he said, and I noticed he was holding flowers.

"Hi." I replied.

"I'm Matt, and it seems like you're having a not so great day." he chuckled.

"Tell me about it, the money I'd put in the bank to save for college isn't there, my car broke, and my phone died." I rambled.

"That really sucks." he slightly frowned.

"Pretty flowers. They for your girlfriend? Need approval of them or something?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What? Uh, no actually. I don't have a girlfriend. I'm looking at a potential one right now though." he grins, holding the bouquet out to me.

I slowly take the flowers out of his grasp, our hands brushing.

"These are for me?" I questioned.

Matt looks around jokingly, and then placed his warm gaze back on me.

"I don't see anyone else around here, do you?"

I giggled, smelling the pretty flowers this nice boy decided to give to me.

"So, I still haven't gotten a name yet."

"Y/N." I smiled. "And thanks for the flowers, especially since I was kind of rude to you."

"Eh, you had a rough day."

"You made it a little less rough. These flowers are beautiful, thanks."

"I'm glad I could Y/N. Making people's days a little less rough is my speciality, especially for pretty girls like yourself." Matt smirked, looking over at the flower stand across the street.

"You're sweet." I blushed.

Matt shrugs, a small blush covering his cheeks. "I don't mean to sound like a creep, but I could give you a ride home, if you like."

I looked at him thoughtfully.

"I'm not a creep, I swear." he laughed.

"Sure, Matt. I'd really appreciate it." I grinned, following him to his car.

Matt was adorable. We chatted the whole time to my house, him cracking jokes and me laughing. He actually made me forget all the shit that happened today.

"Thanks for the ride." I said, turning towards him as he pulled up to my house.

"It was my pleasure." Matt chuckled.

"Can we maybe do this again? Minus all the shit that happened to me?" I asked.

"Of course, Y/N. Call me." he quickly scrawled his number on a napkin and handed it to you.

"Thanks so much." I said once again, leaning over the cup holder to place a kiss on Matt's cheek.

His cheeks turned a slight pink as he replied. "You're so welcome."

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