hate that i love you » jack johnson

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"Let's watch 21 Jump Street." I said, sitting down on the couch.

For once, Johnson didn't argue with me and just quietly sat down as Gilinsky put the DVD in.

Once the movie ended, Jack put in Mean Girls, and we all quoted the movie as it played along.

When that ended, and a third movie was playing on the tv, it was half past midnight and Gilinsky was sound asleep next to me.

I kinda just kept watching, not even bothering to see if Johnson was still awake.

The third movie ended, leaving me to awkwardly sit there and not really know what to do.

It was also freezing cold, I was shivering. The Jacks like to keep their place icy.

Gilinsky's light snores echoed around the living room as I patted my hands around, looking for a blanket.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" Johnson asked.

"Um, yeah, yeah I am." I replied.

"Why are you up?"

"I don't know, just b-because." I say back somewhat snarky, but my stuttering from the cold kind of ruined it.

"Are you cold?" he asked, edging closer to me.

"No." I said back.

Jack reached over and grabbed my arms with his warm hands causing me to sigh in relief at the sudden warm contact.

"Good god, you're freezing, Y/N." Jack said.

"I'm fin-" I was cut off by Johnson pulling me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"I can't let you freeze to death. Jack would kill me." he mumbled, holding me close.

I sighed as I relaxed and took in his warmth. I was incredibly confused, why was Jack suddenly being so nice to me?

"Why are you doing this?" I pulled back slightly, our faces dangerously close.

"I already told you. Jack would kill me if I didn't do something to help you."

"You could just go get me a blanket." I said back.

"Yeah, well, I'm too lazy." he retorted.

"Nothing is too much of an effort if it means getting away from me." I rolled my eyes.

Jack just sighed and continued to hold me.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I whispered, feeling tears gather in my eyes.

I had just been reflecting on all the memories me, Jack, and Jack could've made together if we hadn't hated each other. It made me upset.

"I.." Jack trailed.

"I don't." he finally got out.

I looked up at him again.

"What the hell? Yes you do."

"No I don't Y/N! Okay? Look, I hated you at first because I thought you'd take Jack from me, but then I realized you're a sweet, kind, funny, charming, and beautiful girl. I started even fucking falling in love with you. And it just pisses me off because I want to hate you but I can't. I can't. Sometimes I get jealous of yours and Jack's relationship but it's not because you're taking him away from me, it's because I wish that it was me and you instead."

I blinked, absolutely shocked at what I'd just been told.

Jack...loved me?

"I love you, Y/N." he whispered.

"What are you thinking?" he asked after a moment.

"I think," I said as I wormed my way out of his grasp,

"That that's the biggest fucking bullshit ever."

A/N: part three?

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