hate that i love you » jack johnson

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"Do you have anywhere that you could stay Ms Y/L/N?" questioned the worker guy who was renovating my apartment.

I had just recently graduated high school, and I'd moved out and began life on my own, which meant making my own decisions and such. So, I was redoing my apartment, but I unfortunately couldn't be home during the process.

"Yeah. I have an old school friend of mine." I smiled.

"Ok, great. We'll start working tonight if that works for you?"

"Yeah, I'll be out of here." I joked, waving goodbye.

After shutting the door, I skipped over to my phone and dialed my best friend from my teenage years, Jack Gilinsky.

"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" his voice rang through my receiver.

"Well, I need a favor." I said sweetly.

"Oh, god, what?"

"I need somewhere to stay for the next few days. My apartment is getting renovated." I explained.

"Oh, okay. Feel free to come whenever it starts. You know I'm always there for when you need a place to crash." he laughed.

"Okay, great. I'll be there tonight at like six."

"Alriiight. See ya."


I ended the call before packing a small bag and then getting myself ready for Jack's.


I rang the doorbell about three times in a row quickly, knowing it would notify Jack that it was me.

The door opened swiftly, and my smile instantly turned into a frown when I saw not the Jack I was hoping for.

Jack Johnson.

You see, in high school, me and Jack Gilinsky were inseparable. We were super close, but Jack's guy best friend, Jack Johnson hated everything about me. I'm not sure how or why, but ever since he and I met, we've never liked each other.

"Why the hell are you here?" he asked bluntly.

"I could ask you the same question." I sassed back.

"I'm Jack's best friend, why wouldn't I be here?" he retorted.

"Oh, you're here." Gilinsky said as he swooped in behind Jack's shoulder, stopping me from saying anything back.

"Let her in, Jack." he added.

Johnson rolled his eyes before steeping aside and allowing me to saunter past him and into Gilinsky's arms.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked, breaking the embrace.

"Good. Are you-"

"Why is she here?" Johnson interrupted.

"Jack, what the hell? That was fucking rude. And she's here because her apartment's being renovated."

"You know I can't fucking stand her." Johnson replied, glaring over at me. "Couldn't she have found somewhere else to stay? Especially since I live here now?"

My jaw dropped.

"You didn't tell me he was living with you!" I gasped in horror at Jack.

Gilinsky shrugged. "Y/N, I don't want you to never come over just because you don't like Jack, so I just never told you."

"I'm leaving." I mumbled, turning on my heel and beginning to walk out.

I caught Johnson's gaze, and it was a look of satisfaction, like he thought he won or something.

"You know what?" I turned back around. "I think I'll stay."

Johnson's smirk turned into a scowl, and he stomped off to the living room.

"Come on, Y/N. Ignore him. I'm glad you're staying." Gilinsky smiled at me, kissing my cheek.

"I'm glad, too."


"I'm hungry." I whined, my head in Jack's lap as we watched some stupid show.

Johnson was on the opposite side of the couch, arms crossed, and looking very pissed off.


"Okay, we have some spaghetti in the fridge if that's cool?" Gilinsky asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I smiled, sitting up so Jack could go prepare it.

That left me and Johnson alone.


Luckily, the dog that they shared came running into the room and jumped into my lap.

"Hi baby!" I cooed, petting her softly.

Johnson rolled his eyes. "Aww, how cute, two bitches becoming friends."

I felt angry tears well up in my eyes and was about to snap something back at him but Gilinsky interrupted.

"Don't talk to her like that." Jack said angrily.

"Whatever." Johnson replied, rolling his blue eyes.

"Go to our room, man. I'll come get you for dinner, but you need to stop being a dick."

I smirked tauntingly at Johnson as he walked by, causing Gilinsky to give me a warning glare.

I backed off, turning my attention back to the tv, as Jack cooked and Jack the dick sat in his room.

Dinner was ready soon enough, Jack coming to get me.

"Hey, come eat." he said, leading me to a barstool and table where some garlic bread and plates of spaghetti were sitting.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I thought I'd get Jack to eat after you finished, so you wouldn't have to deal with him."

"Thanks." I laughed at Gilinsky, sitting down and eating.

After about five minutes, Jack had Johnson come down and eat with us, only to have him make snide and rude comments at me once he sat down.

"What the hell is your problem?" I snapped, taking the garlic bread from his hands that he was eating and throwing it elsewhere.

"No, you don't get any damn bread for being a total ass." I said, Johnson looking pissed as ever.

"Guys, stop. You're my two best friends. Why the fuck don't you get along?"

Shouts of "She's a bitch" or "He's impossible" filled the room, causing Jack to slam his fist on the table.

"Stop! I'm tired of this! Please just try to get along, for me?"

"No." Johnson and I said in sync.

Gilinsky sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Hurry up and finish eating you two. We're gonna watch a movie in hopes that you guys don't have to make any social contact whatsoever."

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