15 ~ book

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'No, Ron! You have that question wrong.' You sighed.

You were helping Ron with potions in the library. He sucked.. so badly. It was just not fun at all. He just didn't get it. The easiest questions he had wrong. Like what was he doing the past 6 years?

'I swear it was green when I made it!' Ron said.

'The cure of biols?! I don't know what you did wrong but the colour is supposed to be blue. God, you're impossible! Why did you even choose potions?'

'I didn't want to! Harry forced me too!'

Ron laid his head on the table. You grabbed your potions book and started skipping through it, thinking of another question.

'What can happen to a person who drinks the shrinking solution when it's brewed incorrectly?'

Ron looked up, clearly thinking. Was he even having an idea about what the hell he was supposed to say?

'Y/N, I don't know! Just let me enjoy my holiday.' He whined.

'The drinker will get..' You started.

'Burned?' He asked.

You let out a long sighed and sat back. You tried your best to stay calm.

'Poisoned.' You spoke through gritted teeth.

'How do you know all this?!'

'I paid attention! What the hell is wrong with you?!' You hissed.

'I just hate potions! Okay?! Ask me something easy!'

You sighed and thought of a question.

'What are the 3 ingredients of the swelling solution?'

Ron looked at you with a deadly glare.

'I said something easy.' He hissed.

You looked at him in disbelief. He was supposed to know that. How could he not know that?

'We learned that in the second year you empty headed slug! It's Puffer-fish eyes, Dried nettle and Bat spleens, by the way!'

'That was the second year! Ask me something from this year!'

You rolled your eyes and opened your book. You skipped through it to find something interesting. You stopped and Ron looked at you.

'What's the etymology behind Amortentia.'

Ron didn't say anything and he just looked at you.

'I don't know.. fall in love?' He tried.

You closed your book.

'I'm done. I'm soooo done. Ronald Weasley can't study potions.'

Hermione came in while you were talking and joined your table.

'Maybe you can try to teach Ron potions because he's impossible.'

'I'm not! We should just grab some more potions books and try again.'

You got up and so did the others. You walked past the bookshelves. You grabbed a few potions books. When you came back, your potions book was gone. The actual book you used in class.

'Did any of you put my book on the shelves?'

Ron and Hermione both shook their heads. You then saw Draco leave the library.

'For wizards sake!' You exclaimed.

Hermione grabbed your wrist.

'Let it go.'

'He has my book! No! I'm not letting it go.'

You pulled your arm back and hurried after him. Because it was a holiday, the corridors were empty. It was easy to find him.

'Give me my book back!' You hissed at him when you caught up.

Draco turned around and looked at you. He wasn't holding anything.

'I don't have it.' He shrugged.

'Give it back. Either you or Parkinson has it!' You hissed.

'Why do you immediately think that?' He asked.

You were so fed up with this. You knew you were right. It couldn't have been anyone else.

'There was no one else in the library besides us and you. I go away for a minute and my book is gone.'

'That doesn't mean I took it.'

This all was pissing you off. Him lying to you all the time or only telling you half the truth! You didn't want that anymore.

'Tell me the truth.' You snapped.

'I am telling you to the truth!'

'Seriously, Malfoy, stop lying!'

'So we're back at the last names?'

'Yes, because you're pissing me off.'

Draco didn't know why but he loved to see you angry. That fire in your eyes, your attitude.. everything.

'I didn't even do anything!'

'Stop lying, Malfoy! Almost everything you told me was a lie! You did break Harry's nose, You did steal my potions supplies, You did mess with my broom during the Quidditch practice, You were there for a reason. You did know about the fire at the burrow while I was staying there! So be honest with me!' You yelled at him. 

Draco looked at you. Getting you angry did something to him. It made him feel amazing. It made you look so amazing. Every time you were fighting, he had to hold back. Maybe that's why he kept lying.. Maybe he just wanted you angry So he could see you like that again.

'I am being honest. I don't know why you're so angry. Pansy didn't steal your book. I didn't steal your book.' Draco spoke calmly.

'And how am I supposed to believe you?! You've been lying about almost everything! This only adds up to it!'

You could literally kill him. You cared.. a lot.. You just wanted him to be honest. You actually care about him lying to you. You just hated him but also loved him.

'You're just a lying idiot! A stupid, disgusting little bug!'

'That's not-'

'And I hate you. I hate that you keep lying to me! And-'

Draco pushed you against the wall. You looked at him. There was almost no space between you two. You felt his breath against your nose, seeing his was taller than you were. You were nervous and tried not to get red.

'Say that again.' He said.

A shiver ran down your spine. Your breath shivered with nervousness. Your heart was racing and you felt that you were getting red.


'Say it..  again.'

'I hate you.' You said.

Draco pressed his lips against yours. You were in shock but words couldn't describe how much you loved to feel his lips against yours. Even though he had done nothing but lie to you.. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. You didn't care. You knew he was going to use this against you. Draco pulled back. Your noses were still beside each other. Your foreheads touching.

Draco moved his hand to the inside of his robes and grabbed something from it. He dropped your book on the floor and walked away, leaving you startled. Your heart was happy but also sad. You had no idea what that kiss meant. Did it mean something to him? Did he like you?

'Hey, we just saw Draco leave. Are you okay?' Ron asked.

You just looked at him and slowly picked up your book. Hermione immediately saw that something had happened.

'I'm fine..' You still spoke in shock while walking away from them. 

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