50 ~ God I can't even explain how happy I am

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Nothing helped. You send letters, you tried looking for him everywhere but nothing. Your owl flew back without a letter. No answer..

It had been a few weeks. You were completely lost. You had no idea what to do anymore. You needed to see him. You missed him.

You tried to distract yourself. You went to Diagon Alley. You wanted to go shopping. There were mostly Hogarts students. You didn't want to go back to Hogwarts. It had been enough. You were friends with Harry, of course you could get a job.

You walked through the students. It was very crowded. You saw gringotts right in front of you. You then stopped. You couldn't believe this. Was that Narcissa and Draco? Waiting in front of the bank? You pushed through the students.


The closer you came, the more clear it became. You got tears in your eyes. Draco, of course, didn't feel happy at all. His father was picking up some money in the bank. He was just waiting. His father kept looking at every letter that came in. He refused to let Draco read any of the letters he got. Draco knew you were writing him. Draco also wasn't allowed to go out much. At home, it was awful for him. His father straight up almost hated him. At least he had his mother.

'Draco?!' He heard in the distance.

He recognised your voice right away. He looked up. Was he dreaming. His mother looked at him.

'Everything alright, dear?' She asked.

'Draco?!' She then heard too.

Draco looked at the crowd and he saw you. Narcissa saw you too. He looked at her.

'What are you waiting for? Go.'

Draco ran through the people towards you. His heart was beating fast. He was so incredibly happy to see you. He was also about to cry.

You ran straight into his arms. Draco held you tighter than he had ever before. You clinged into him and cried right away. Draco tried to hold back his tears but a few escaped. Feeling him close to you was amazing. He smelled great, it felt great.

Draco let you go. He cupped your face and wiped your tears away. You saw he was trying to stay strong.. But he couldn't help it. You smiled at him. Draco kissed you. You kissed him back right away. It was a passionate kiss. It was the best kiss you had.

Lucius stepped outside. He immediately saw you two.

'No way. I will not stand here and let this happen.' He hissed right away.

'Lucius! We've ruined his life enough. Stop it.' Narcissa sighed while grabbing Lucius.

Lucius pushed her away and stormed over to his son. You had to pull back but you hugged him again.

'I love you.' You sniffed.

'I love you too. I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you. My dad dragged me away from Hogwarts.. he refused to let me read any of the things you sent me. He never let me out of the house. Only with my parents.. I'm so sorry.'

'It's alright. It's okay. I forgive you. God, I forgive you. I love you.'

Draco suddenly held onto you more tightly. His father grabbed his suit. He tried to pull Draco away from you. He pulled at Draco and had to let you go.

'No!' He yelled.

You grabbed Draco's arm and tried to pull him back. Draco managed to get out his grip and hugged you again. His father tried to pull him away again. You grabbed your wand, pulled Draco back and pushed your wand against his chest.

You had anger in your eyes, tears even. Narcissa arrived.

'Stay.. away.' You threatened. 'Don't you dare pull him away from me again. You can't keep him away from me. You already took my mother away.. he's all I have left. You're not going to ruin this.' You choked.

Draco grabbed your hand.

'How dare you point your wand at me?!' He nearly screamed.

'How dare you take every bit of happiness your son has away from him?' You asked. 'Stop ruining our lives! Can you please just stop?! I love him. I love him more than anyone has even loved him. I respected every single part of him. I always will.'

'Lucius, I think it's time we go and leave them.' Narcissa said.

'Maybe you should listen for once.' Draco said. 'Leave. I don't want you interfering with this. It's my choice. It's my life. Not yours. You can't do this to me any longer.'

You smiled. You were proud of him. Lucius wanted to say something but Narcissa pulled his sleeve. He looked at her. He then looked at you like you were the most horrible person in the world and then walked away.

You lowered your wand and turned to Draco. He kissed you shortly.

'You stood up against your father.' You said.

'I can't do it anymore. I can't live in his house anymore.'

'Then come with me.' You said.

Draco grabbed your hand and smiled. You took him back to your place. He evenspentd the night. It was wonderful to have him back. It was incredible to wake up in the morning besides him, seeing his hair all messed up, knowing you were mostly the reason that happened. Seeing his sleepy eyes open and looking straight at you. The colour they had. This was what you had always wanted..


'Scorpius, go open the door.' Draco smiled.

Scorpius immediately ran over to the door. He was now 5 years old. You looked at Draco. He walked over to you and kissed you shortly. You and Draco got married, lived together and got a beautiful son. You even got pregnant again and were now carrying your second child.

Narcissa walked insid, carrying Scorpius. She was followed by Lucius. You and Lucius got along better. He seemed to have accepted that you were going to leave.

'Soemone was happy to see grandma and grandpa.' You smiled.

Narcissa put Scorpius down and smiled.

'Who isn't?' She laughed.

You gave her a hug and smiled.

'How are you feeling?' She asked.

'I'm fine.' You smiled.

'Doesn't she look great.' Draco smiled.

He kissed the top of your head.

'I've told you before that you look beautiful when you're pregnant.. and you made one grandma very happy.. and grandpa, although he never admits it.'

'I thought we went over this.' He sighed.

'It's alright.' You grinned. 'Thank you for helping us out.' You smiled.

Narcissa and Lucius helped you out with the preparations for the new baby. Scorpius was also very exciting.

'Let's go upstairs and put these things away.' Lucius said.

Narcissa and Lucius headed upstairs. Draco turned to you.

'I'm glad you and my dad get along.' He smiled.

'I'm glad too. It all has been going well. God I can't even explain how happy I am.'

Draco kissed you again. It was true. You were happy. Draco never told a lie again in his life. He stayed faithful, he was loyal, sweet and the best father. All you wished for. All you needed. It felt great to spend every day of your life with him as Y/N Malfoy.. and it was even better that you got to do that until the day you'd die..

The end.

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