17 ~ ask you out?

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You were staring off in the distance. You were standing in the astronomy tower. Your arms leaning on the railings of the small balcony. You had a long talk with Hermione about the kiss with Draco. You wanted to tell him that you liked it but what would it bring. Maybe he didn't even like you.

'Oh..' You heard behind you.

You looked over your shoulder and saw Draco. He was always there the second you thought about him. It was odd. It was as if he knew that you were thinking about him. You turned around and smiled at him.

'You sound excited to see me.' You joked.

'Oh no.. that's not it. I just didn't expect anyone here. It's already dark out there. What are you doing here?' He asked you.

'Thinking. This is a good place to think.'

'You're right. I actually came here to do the same.' He smiled.

'You came here to think?' You asked. 'What should a Malfoy be worried about?'

'More than you think.' He just said.

You turned back around and stared at the beautiful sky while leaning back onto the railing. It was filled with stars. The moon lit you up a little. Causing the light to combin with the shadow. Draco thought it was absolutely beautiful.

Maybe he had just been lying to himself. Maybe he actually really liked you. More than just 'oh, she's nice'. No actually liked. As in a love interested. He never actually felt it this strong before. He used to date Astoria, but that didn't work out.

Draco slowly walked towards you. He leaned on the railing as well and just stood there besides you. He looked at you for a moment. The moon lit up your face and it just made him smile. He looked away again.

'What was that smile you just passed me?' You asked, feeling that you had to smile.

'Nothing.' Draco shrugged. 'Can't a guy be happy?'

'Of course you can be happy.' You smiled while looking at him.

Draco looked at you. He was still smiling.

'You should smile more. It looks good on you.' You spoke.

Draco grinned a little and you saw him actually blush.

'You seem different tonight.' You grinned. 'What's up with you?'

'It's nothing.' He said while looking back at the sky.

You just kept looking at him. The moon only lit up a part of his face. God, you were so in love with him. You sighed and looked away from him.

'Sickle for your thoughts?' You asked him.

Draco looked at you in confusion.

'I know muggles say: a penny for your thoughts.. but I thought we don't use that currency, so..'

You reached into your pocket and grabbed a sickle. You always made sure you had some money on you.

'You don't have to pay me to know what I'm thinking. I don't think I want to share it.'

You put your sickle away and looked at the sky again. This conversation was leading nowhere. You didn't dare to tell him you liked him and Draco didn't dare to share what he was feeling with you.

'I'll let you think.' You smiled. 'I'll stop bothering you.'

You turned around to walk away. Draco looked at you.


You stopped and turned to him. He sighed and looked at you.

'Listen I..'

He stopped talking and just looked at you. You stayed there and kept looking at him too. He walked closer to you. 

He was now standing infront of you. You looked at him. You had to look up because he was bigger than you were.

Before you knew it, Draco kissed you. You immediately kissed him back and Draco pushed you back against the wall. He pulled back and looked at you.

'Just felt like something you had to do?' You asked.

He shook his head and stepped away from you. You didn't know what to do. Draco looked back at you.

'Then why did you kiss me?' You asked.

Draco didn't answer. You hated this.

'Draco.. I can't take this any longer. I need you to be honest with me.'

Draco sighed.

'Do you want to go out with me sometime?'

You looked at him in surprise. Your heart was beating abnormally fast.


'To Hogsmeade.. tomorrow.'

'Are you really asking me out?'

Draco just nodded.


'Because I lied. It didn't feel like something I had to do. I did it because I felt something towards you. I've never felt that strong feelings towards anyone before.'

You smiled at blushed. Draco then smiled a little as well.

'Of course I want to go out with you.' You smiled.

Draco seemed a little surprised. You walked over to him. He looked at you.

'Draco, I kissed you back with a reason. I like you.. I have a serious crush on you. I just didn't dare to tell you.'

Draco couldn't help but smile.

'Tomorrow, I'll take you to the three broomstick. I'll pay.'

'Can't wait.' You smiled.

'So what are you going to tell your friends?' Draco asked.

'Hermione knows.. I'm just not going to tell the others.' You grinned. 'They can find out. I don't want to feel like I'm not supported in this.'

Draco smiled.

'That's probably the best thing to do. Should I walk you back to the common room?'

'That would be fun.'


You entered the common room with Draco. It was a nice walk back. You couldn't believe that this was real. You just hoped that he wouldn't embarrass you or anything like that.

'I'll see you tomorrow.' Draco smiled.

'Definitely.' You smiled back. 'Goodnight.'

'Goodnight. I hope you sleep well.'

'I hope you do too.'

You made your way upstairs and quietly entered your room. You laid down on your bed for a moment and stared at the ceiling. You smiled in disbelief.

Draco Lucius Malfoy just asked you out. He actually asked you out. On a date date. Date date date. An actually real date. You couldn't stop smiling and thinking.

What were you going to wear? Would it be fun? Did he like like you? Would he ask you on another date?

You had to sleep. The faster you slept, the earlier it would be morning..  in your head, at least. You got up and quickly prepared yojr self for bed. Shower, pyjamas and brushing your teeth.

You climbed into your bed and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes and tried to call asleep.

Lies || Draco x reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now