fourty two

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It has been a good amount of weeks since Keith went back to the facility to finish his time. I haven't vist him yet because I've been so busy with taking care if Amina. We do talk in the phone though, whenever he calls. Amina realizes that her daddy is gone and cries all night for him. I get her to calm down, but it takes a while. .

I just put her down for her nap and am now cleaning the kitchen from our lunchtime. Hearing our house phone ring, I pick it up tossing the paper towel I'm the trash.

" Hello."

" Yes im looking for a Ms. Micaiah Owens."

" Yes this is she ", I cross one of my arms over my body.

" Hi my name in Ronald Devoe and I don't know if Keith has told you about me, but I'm his boss."

" Oh yes Keith and spoken good words about you."

" That's wonderful. I don't know if younger informed, but Mr. Powers gas sent me your resume about a month ago and I have to say that it's pretty impressive. For you to be just out of college and have so much experience is very good and stands out. I have a open position that I feel like with your skills will be amazing at, your starting salary will be eight six thousand dollars."

I take the phone away from my ear and do a little hapoy dance.

" Yes I will accept ", I smile very hard.

" Thank you Mrs. Owens. I'll see you in two weeks. I know that you guys just had a baby so I wanted to give you some time to be with your daughter before you start working."

" Thank you so much Mr.Devoe I will not let you down."

I hang up the phone smiling at the fact that Keith got me a job. I hear Amina making her baby noises and rush to pick her up and bounce her in my arms. She smiles at me and I kiss her cheeks making her giggle. The doorbell rings and I open the door with Amina in my arms. The boys are on the other side of the door with gifts, toys, flowers, and balloons.

" Congratulations on the new baby ", Algee smiles.

" Awe thank you guys."

I open the door wider for all of them to get in. They all bought so many clothes, toys, and stuffed animals for Amina. Woody got her a massive ready bear making her smile.

" I'm her favorite now ", he smiles reaching for her.

He takes her out of my arms and starts talking to her. She was looking up at him like she knew what he was saying.

" How are you her favorite when your breath smell like straight ass ", Algee fussed.

Soon the rest of them start fussing and I walk into K eiths office to get his father's day gift. It's sad that me missed his first father's day, I wouldve brought Amina to the facility but he doesn't want her to see him like this. I respect his decision and understand what he was trying to say.

I grab a jacket and his gifts walking towards the front door. I see the boys singing to Amina as she sat up on the couch with her hand in her mouth.

" Can you guys watch Amina for a few hours?"

" Of course we love our little niece ", Luke said.

" Thanks you so much."

I hop into the jeep preparing for this drive to Delta.

~ ~ ~

I enter through the doors with Keith's gifts and his card walking to the front desk. The nurse receptionist stops what he was doing and gave me a smile.

" Hi how may I help you?"

" Yes I'm here to see Keith Powers."

He types a few things on the computer before making eye contact with me again.

" I'm sorry, but Mr. Powers has had his visiting rights revoked as of this morning."

" What! Why?"

" On the report it states that he put another resident in the infirmary around breakfast time."

Shit about to go down now

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