Chapter One: A True Villain

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        Someone asked me one day if I ever wanted to be a hero. Of course, the automatic response for a young child about to receive their quirk would be yes, but I was far different from from the other kids my age; a little too different, some would say. I would much rather become a villain than become a hero. Although villains are despised in modern-day society, I always though they were the more impressive of the two. They did not succumb to the law that dampened their belief on the world, no. They were brave enough to be the first to stand up and take matters into their own hands. However, most do not wish to break free of this false peace, and instead live as puppets, dolls that are simply being controlled by a child. Of course, only true villains can see this; not the simple-minded thugs who simply desire to cause messes. Besides, playing the villain seemed to be much more fun.

        While I thought all of this, I didn't dare speak it out loud. I knew what would happen if I did: be treated like a criminal, a monster. That would difficult in the future, so whenever the question was brought up, I'd simply nod my head in agreement. While in society I would be considered "not right in the head", I was still human, meaning the less problems that interfere with my life, the better.

        My quirk is, what I call, "Black Magic". My quirk gave me special connections with spirits and the undead. As well as being able to speak to the dead, I am able to summon them as well. Of course, while Hoodoo is most known for the undead, I still have other things up my sleeves, such as a few mysterious concoctions and spells. I also have a big thing with curses. With this quirk, my path to villainy was as clear as the light of day.

        In due time, I was labeled as a villain. It took ages, however. I began at the age of six, being named as "the child gypsy." My work was quite simple: I would say false things in someone's future, perhaps even a little fake spirit action, and put the real deal into place. After whoever would leave, I would send angry spirits, poltergeist, after them. They would torture them for a week, haunting their house and filling their mind with nightmares. After that week ended, they were slaughtered. Of course, I would leave after that first week, but over the course of seven weeks, there would be deaths in whatever village, town, or city I was in. I would get over fifty deaths in most places, and that was enough to get the authorities' attention. I was beginning to grow infamous real quick, so my little job was out of action. I soon became known as "The Day of the Dead Villain: The Witchdoctor".

        My dream was fulfilled. My ambition of becoming a great villain had finally settled into reality, and I was at the top of the charts. I was the fourth most wanted villain globally. I had killed thousands, and no one has ever caught me.

        That was, until about a week ago.

        I was in an abandoned apartment in the Miyagi Prefecture, what I declared my lodging until I was on the move again. I was researching any new spells or curses that might be useful for future purposes. The cliche witchdoctor cauldron was lighted with the color of lime green as it boiled my new potion of sorts. My door was kicked in and my windows were smashed through and my ceiling now had a gaping hole. My cauldron was knocked over, it contents sprawling over the floor.

        There, stood about fifteen heroes, many of which were strong and famous. Present Mic, Eraserhead, Best Jeanist, Endevour, Kamui Woods, Cementoss, Midnight, Nedzu, Mt. Lady, but the person who really stood out was All Might, the number one hero.

        I lightly smiled, and half-heartedly raised my hands in surrender. I was not stupid, and I knew I was defeated. I was a villain, sure, but I was desperately afraid. I didn't show it, but when I was faced with the overwhelming power with all of these heroes, the only thing I though I could actually do was give up. Cowardly, I know, but I was human, and my safety and life were what mattered to me the most. I was taken into to custody with zero resistance, and currently was in the middle of interrogation.

The Day of the Dead Villain: The WitchdoctorWhere stories live. Discover now